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MENTI -  create live-only interaction tools like polls, word clouds, quizzes, Q&As and surveys
THIS ONE! (Genially) - Create presentations, interactive images, infographics, gamification, quizzes, breakouts, portfolios, etc.

It has been wonderful to have some 7th and 8th grade ELA classes in to also learn about Destiny Discover and complete their genre personality quizzes! 
Ms. Pastuszak's Social Studies classes came in for a couple of days to learn how to find reliable web sources. 
Miss O'Gorman's 7th grade ELA clasess welcomed me  to their room to teach about the impact of their digital footprints.
Our 5th and 6th graders have been coming in bi-weekly for book exchanges. They have learned how to use Destiny Discover and completed their genre personality quiz to see various genres they might enjoy!
Bye bye,
security gates!!
This quarter we had 73 personal shoppers! This is a great way to get some book recommendations! Click here to try it. 
  • The Attacks of September 11
  • Ghosts
  • Class Act
  • The Dead Girls of Hysteria Hall
  • Hoops
books signed out this quarter! Way to go Sand Creek!
Mrs. Dungan 
7th & 8th grade
5th & 6th grade
Please email me or stop down if you'd like to schedule a time in the library or if you'd like me to teach a lesson to your classes! I would love to collaborate!

Come to the Library!
high-interest nonfiction stories for k-8. All News-o-Matic articles can be translated (text and natural voice-audio) into French, Spanish, Mandarin, and Arabic and contain lots of fun provided by boces!
student username:
teacher username:
Password for both:
digital library of 16,000+ ebooks, audiobooks, and magazines! Provided by BOCES. please NOTE - if you are logged in, you will have access to books that our students do not. Some may not be appropriate. if showing to the entire class, have a student log in. 
Destiny discover
Learn how to find books in our library. you may Share this with students who do not know how to use destiny discover! This is a game changer when sending a student to find a book - they should look on here beforehand. 
It has been an exciting start to the school year! You may have noticed that some books have found a new home, the security gates have been removed, and our Reference books have been moved closer to the circulation desk. 
Overdue notices are now being sent to students and parents via email each week. Students have been doing a great job of bringing a pass to the library when returning or signing out books - thank you!!! 
What's going on in the library?
QUARTER 1 in the 
Sand Creek Library
Want to create interactive content? It’s easy in Genially!

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QUARTER 1 in the Sand Creek Library

What's going on in the library?

It has been an exciting start to the school year! You may have noticed that some books have found a new home, the security gates have been removed, and our Reference books have been moved closer to the circulation desk. Overdue notices are now being sent to students and parents via email each week. Students have been doing a great job of bringing a pass to the library when returning or signing out books - thank you!!!


Destiny discoverLearn how to find books in our library. you may Share this with students who do not know how to use destiny discover! This is a game changer when sending a student to find a book - they should look on here beforehand.

SORAdigital library of 16,000+ ebooks, audiobooks, and magazines! Provided by BOCES. please NOTE - if you are logged in, you will have access to books that our students do not. Some may not be appropriate. if showing to the entire class, have a student log in.

news-o-matichigh-interest nonfiction stories for k-8. All News-o-Matic articles can be translated (text and natural voice-audio) into French, Spanish, Mandarin, and Arabic and contain lots of fun provided by boces!student username:crboces teacher username:crbocesteacherPassword for both:news1234



Come to the Library!

Please email me or stop down if you'd like to schedule a time in the library or if you'd like me to teach a lesson to your classes! I would love to collaborate!

5th & 6th grade

7th & 8th grade

Mrs. Dungan



books signed out this quarter! Way to go Sand Creek!

  • The Attacks of September 11
  • Ghosts
  • Class Act
  • The Dead Girls of Hysteria Hall
  • Hoops

This quarter we had 73 personal shoppers! This is a great way to get some book recommendations! Click here to try it.

Bye bye, security gates!!

Our 5th and 6th graders have been coming in bi-weekly for book exchanges. They have learned how to use Destiny Discover and completed their genre personality quiz to see various genres they might enjoy!

It has been wonderful to have some 7th and 8th grade ELA classes in to also learn about Destiny Discover and complete their genre personality quizzes! Ms. Pastuszak's Social Studies classes came in for a couple of days to learn how to find reliable web sources. Miss O'Gorman's 7th grade ELA clasess welcomed me to their room to teach about the impact of their digital footprints.




THIS ONE! (Genially) - Create presentations, interactive images, infographics, gamification, quizzes, breakouts, portfolios, etc.

MENTI - create live-only interaction tools like polls, word clouds, quizzes, Q&As and surveys

  • Visit the Analytics settings;
  • Activate user tracking;
  • Let the communication flow!

Use this space to add awesome interactivity. Include text, images, videos, tables, PDFs... even interactive questions!Premium tip: Get information on how your audience interacts with your creation:

Got an idea?

Here you can include a relevant fact to highlight

Here you can include a relevant fact to highlight

  • Visit the Analytics settings;
  • Activate user tracking;
  • Let the communication flow!

Use this space to add awesome interactivity. Include text, images, videos, tables, PDFs... even interactive questions!Premium tip: Get information on how your audience interacts with your creation:

Got an idea?

Here you can include a relevant fact to highlight

Here you can include a relevant fact to highlight

  • Visit the Analytics settings;
  • Activate user tracking;
  • Let the communication flow!

Use this space to add awesome interactivity. Include text, images, videos, tables, PDFs... even interactive questions!Premium tip: Get information on how your audience interacts with your creation:

Got an idea?

Here you can include a relevant fact to highlight

Here you can include a relevant fact to highlight

Show interactive elements