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Grants Overview


Practical Examples

  • ask your student to reflect on what the impact of their stay abroad has been on the content-related aspects of their Master's dissertation, e.g. in writing in the form of an addendum or as part of the concluding chapter. If the Master's dissertation involves an oral presentation or jury defense, you can ask the student questions in person;
  • focus part of the assessment on international/intercultural aspects of the research that has been conducted.

Internationalisation Abroad

Students combine their Master's dissertation with a study-abroad term. In addition to the added value in terms of content, the study-abroad experience might also result in improved intercultural and international competencies and foreign-language skills. During their study-abroad term, students can complete their Master's dissertation entirely or partly (e.g.: only the research, the field work or lab work, ...).

Engage your personal network and/or the network of your colleagues for the content-related supervision and practical support of your students during their research stay abroad. Please consult our Education Tip on Study Abroad & Master's Dissertation: https://onderwijstips.ugent.be/en/tips/masterproef-tijdens-een-buitenlands-studieverblijf/



Student Mobility for Research Purposes

At this point, we do not have any examples from education practice at Ghent University yet. If you have a specific practical example in mind that fits this description, please get in touch with us at onderwijsondersteuning@ugent.be. We are happy to add any relevant practical examples to this flash card.

At this point, we do not have any examples from education practice at Ghent University yet. If you have a specific practical example in mind that fits this description, please get in touch with us at onderwijsondersteuning@ugent.be. We are happy to add any relevant practical examples to this flash card.

Student Mobility for Research Purposes

At the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, many students participate in a study-abroad initiative for the purpose of their Master's dissertation. Students contribute to on-going research project at a partner institution. They report on their research in the form of a Master's dissertation. The assessment comprises the research results as well as the presentation/defense at Ghent University. In other words, the Master's dissertation is largely conducted abroad, while the defense and assessment take place at Ghent University.