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A Literacy Tale of

iLEADing the Way

There was a kingdom of lifelong learners. Most reigned in the lands north of the City of Angels, yet one ruled deep in the lair of the OC. One day, a magical Literacy godmother appeared to tell the tale of Literacy iLEADing the Way!



Rulers of Thee


Welcome to the Wonderful World of Literacy

Dr. Jan Hasbrouck

Fluencyis the Key to Comprehension

Hasbrouck & Glaser (2019)

Reading (Passage) Fluency is...

Task#2Gather passages & identify reading levels

Task #1Model Fluency Practices for the next 2 weeks

iLEAD Inspired for Literacy

To Do:

Set a time for your entire site to designate fluency practice! Make it a Schoolwide or a grade-level time. But it must be in addition to your 90-120 minute ELA Block.

Record the progress every Friday through the Progress Monitoring tracker. Adjust reading passages as needed. Focus on an MTSS Model.

Keep to the 6-minute time frame once it has been modeled and track the learner's progress. Fluency partners are accountable for each other.

Daily Fluency Implementation

Step 3

Step 2

Daily fluency partner, reciprocal practice is at the learners' differentiated ability. Model and practice several times. Use data to determine levels.

Step 1

The benefits of repeated readings of the same passage to build fluency have been well documented.

Rereading to Build Fluency

  • 1 minute for partners to get ready.
  • 1 minute for partner 1 to read.
  • 1 minute for partner 2 to tell partner 1 the number of words read, the errors / corrections. Partner 1 quickly records his/her cwpm.
  • 1 minute for partner 2 to read.
  • 1 minute for partner 1 to tell partner 2 the number of words read, the errors / corrections. Partner 2 quickly records his/her cwpm.
  • 1 minute for both partners to color in their graphs, record their data, and put away materials.

Here's the gist:

Oral Reading Fluency Norms

Only measures accuracy and rate; not prosody. We must teach and model expression.

It's not a race! Facilitators must explain that we read like we speak. It's not about how fast we go but building automaticity.

iLEAD Tracker Sheet (PM)

Set Goals. Retest Learner's Oral Reading Fluency (ORF), if Needed

6-Minute Solutions in Action

Monday: 2 options for introducing a "cold" read. Partners preview the passage by whisper or silently reading and identify any unknow words. Tuesday - Thursday: Fluency practice. Friday: Partners record final fluency score and report to facilitator. Turn in passage & select the passage for following week.

Primary Passages


Building Vocabulary

Progress Monitoring

CAASPP Practice Protocols

Reading Fluency Intervention

Only one stands above the rest. The organization with learner outcomes, far surpasses the best!

Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, Who's the greatest leader of all?

THANK YOU for your time and indulging me. Let's make 2024 a Literacy Tale for the ages!

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