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By Lukas A. Segura

The Curious Celebration of Black´s Valentine´s Day

  • Context
  • Origin
  • How is celebrated nowadays


For most people in the rest of the world, there is only one Valentine's Day, but for South Koreans the holiday is extended, even into November.Enters a period of pause that is reactivated on March 14, also known as the “White Day” when it is the turn of men to show their love and share a detail with their girlfriends.

01 Context

Meanwhile, for Black Day, scheduled for April 14, it is the singles, men or women, who celebrate their condition, free of commitments, by sharing a unique dish: jajangmyon, the traditional black noodles.

Valentine´s days in South Korea

14 March

14 April

11 November

14 February

This curious tradition began in 1994 when some young people in Busan began to give away this treat to their loved ones, although it is also believed that it may have been part of an advertising strategy of the company that produces these cookies.

02 Origin

03. How is celebrated nowadays

Today, it is still held regularly and is just as important as the other days. All singles meet in restaurants and eat this dish as a sign of singleness

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