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Maria, lina, ines

SMOKING And its effects



Passive smoking


Prevention and control of smoking

Treatment and advices

Effects of smoking on health

WHat is tobacco ?


  • Family of Solanaceae
  • Central America
  • The leaves are rich in nicotine

what is Tobacco ?

  • First Cultivated by indigenous peoples
  • It was first used for medicinal purposes, but its popularity quickly spread
  • Tobacco was discovered by Europeans in 1492. Spanish explorers, brought tobacco back to Europe
  • Tobacco use dates back to about 6,000 to 8,000 BC

History of tobacco

  • Toxic alkaloid. It is a drug that causes dependance. It cause the release of dopamine feeling of pleasure
  • Stimulant and causes an acceleration of heart rate and breathing
  • Reduces the level of oxygen in the bloodstream, resulting in a drop of skin temperature.

Effects of smoking on health

  • Tar is formed from a mixture of hundreds of chemicals, including poisons that cause cancer and bronchial disorders.
  • Tar penetrate into the bronchial cells, modify their genetic programs and multiply anarchically causing lung and throat cancer.
  • Irritants affect breathing capacity.
  • Combined with tars, they cause bronchial inflammation and cough.

Effects of smoking on health

Filter will remove the tar and the chimical product. Filters are intended to reduce the harm caused by smoking by reducing harmful elements inhaled by smokers. They have been shown to reduce the risk of lung cancer.
<----- Hemoglobin
CO ------->
  • Carbon monoxide : toxic gas formed by the incomplete combustion of carbon.
  • It has a greater affinity with hemoglobin than oxygen, which leads to a lower level of oxygen in the blood and in the organs.
  • This is why smoking is one of the most important causes of heart disease.

Effects of smoking on health

When a person smokes a cigarette, he feels the effects in less than 10 seconds, these effects last only a few minutes...

A little video

Risks associated with passive smoking : - Respiratory diseases : People exposed to second-hand smoke have a risk of developing respiratory problems, including respiratory infections, asthma and decreased lung function. - Cancer : Passive smoking is linked to an accumulated risk of lung cancer

Passive smoking = involuntary smoking or environmental smoking

Passive smoking

There are many risks associated with tobacco :

  • Preterm birth
  • Miscarriage
  • Low birth weight
  • Intrauterine growth retardation
  • Complications of pregnancy
  • Respiratory problems: Asthma
  • Developmental diseases: developmental disorders, including cognitive and behavioural delays in children.
  • Effects on breastfeeding: Women who continue to smoke during breastfeeding can transmit nocitin and nefast products through breast milk which can have adverse effects on the baby’s health. There may also be a low milk production

Smoking and pregnant women

If you want to have mooves like this babymama while pregnant you know what you don't have to do :)
Strategies and approaches for smoking prevention :
  • Tobacco Advertising Ban
  • Education and awareness
  • Increased tobacco taxes
  • Anti-smoking laws: - Prohibit smoking in public spaces to protect non-smokers from exposure to tobacco smoke. - They also set a minimum age

Prevention and control of smoking

  • Smoking cessation programs
  • Social support Tobacco-free environments
  • Surveillance and research : informing the public about the risks of smoking.
Tobacco prevention is an ongoing effort that involves all of society, including governments.

Pharmacists play a vital role in providing informations, advices and products to help smokers quit.Pharmacists can :

  • Provide informations on the risks of smoking
  • Provide the benefits of quitting smoking
  • Provide the different methods of quitting smoking
  • Recommend the best product
  • Advise patients on managing side effects

treatments and advices

treatments and advices

For the treatment :

  • Smoking aids, called nicotine replacement therapy (NRT)
    • patches, gum
    • inhalers
    • lozenges
    • nasal sprays
  • Medications available by prescription
    • Ibupropion (Zyban)
    • Varenicline (Champix)

  • Smoking is a major public health issue that has serious implications for individual and collective health.
  • Quitting smoking is possible, and many people have successfully abandoned this habit with appropriate support.
