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Kingdom of england- 1352 - treason

The accused would be hung by the neck, not in a way that would kill him, but in a way which would be agonanizing. While still alive, the torturer will pull out his organs, and his entrails will be burned in front of his eyes, then his head would be cut off and his body will be cut into four quarters.

Drawing and quatering

The goal was not always to kill the victim, but to cause agonizing pain and severly mutilate their body. The torturer would beat the legs of the victim with an iron ba, slowly work his way up, breaking and snapping bones in all through the body. He would beat them into near death, bludgeoning them. The maimed prisoner would be repositioned on the wheel so thier heels came together at the back of the neck and were left to die.

Used in the middle ages and French Revelolution for interrogation or agravated murder.

The wheel

In 12th century Persian Empire, scaphism was one of the worst torture methods to be sentenced to. Soilders start by tying your hands and feet together and suspending you between two boats in a particularly swampy or muddy area. You are force fed milk and honey, and while this sounds delicious, it leads to diahrrea. If you refuse to consume it, they prick your eyes. Once you eat it, you are covered with the mixture.You are left their for multiple days being fed and having the mixture reapplied. Since you are in a bug inhabited area, flies will go crazy for you. They will lay eggs in your skin, lay eggs in your excrements, and you wouldn't be able to prevent it. The hatched maggots would crawl into your skin and up your excrements into your rear, and eat you alive. This was used as an extremely cruel punishment, meant to make the victim in pain for as long as possible. There is no information about why this torture was used, but it was given out by the cruelest of people.


Killing someone-specifically soldiers
Rat torture

LUsed for interragation-17th century during the Dutch revolt Rats would be placed in a metal cage below a victims abdamon- the person questioning would light a fire under the cage, and since the cage was metal, the rat only had one thing to claw through when agitated. The flesh and organs in your abdomen

Blood eagle A way to avenge a dishonorable death They start by cutting open your back and breaking your ribs open. They force your lungs out of your lower back making a beautiful bloody outstretched pair of wings. Furthermore, the lungs would be forced out of the ribcage still attached to the esophagus so the person would be able to breathe while being in excruciating pain until they died of blood loss. The ribs were also broken and twisted upwards to help the wings shape. Salt is poured into the wound for extra pain. Vikings used this method.

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