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By Carlos García & Danny Trejo
Scheduled Irregularity
A Schedule Irregularity is an unplanned delay or cancellation, which usually occurs on the day of departure, but can occur anytime within three days (72 hours) prior to departure. As
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By Carlos García & Danny Trejo

Waiver: Scheduled Irregularity

A Schedule Irregularity is an unplanned delay or cancellation, which usually occurs on the day of departure, but can occur anytime within three days (72 hours) prior to departure. As


Involuntary reissue service for all accounts

INVOL Reissue allows the Travel Professionals the ability to make a change to an unacceptable itinerary due to an Irregular operation (IROPS) when American has rebooked and reissued an agency issued ticket to an American 0012 INVOL ticket. Prior to processing the request in SalesLink, the Travel Professional will need to cancel the unacceptable flight/s and rebook the preferred flight/s that are affected by the Involuntary IROPS reissue (0012 ticket only).


  • If AA re-accommodation is not satisfactory rebook in the lowest available inventory in the same cabin as ticketed.
  • Cutoff time is 2 hours prior to flight time.
  • If the new itinerary is a combination of Prime American Airlines / American Eagle,
*May book in the same or lower cabin. *May book one day prior or up to seven days after the originally scheduled flight time.
  • If the new itinerary is JB Prime (BA/IB/JL/AY):
*May book 1 day prior or first available day after originally scheduled flight time.
  • May change continuing or return travel dates to maintain the original length of stay prior to re-accommodation.
  • INVOL ticket coupons must be in “OK” status.
  • Origin and destination remain the same unless utilizing the 300-mile radius option.
  • Change to connection city is allowed.
  • Applies to all customers in the PNR.
*Agency to divide any customer whose ticket will not be exchanged out of the PNR
Remember verify Retail partner's waivers allowance by ARC/IATA #

Policy and validations

Override is used when working with T, U, Z, X, C or R inventories.

Override justification

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