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Structure of the CCI

Culture Domain

Systems Domain

Leadership Domain

Instruction Domain

What is the CCI?

AVID Coaching & Certification Instrument

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Structure of the CCI

Culture Domain

Systems Domain

Leadership Domain

Instruction Domain

What is the CCI?

AVID's Coaching & Certification Instrument

Click here to review the CCI Structure

  • The CCI is structured around the four AVID Schoolwide Domains underpinning the AVID College and Career Readiness Framework: Instruction, Systems, Leadership, and Culture.
  • The four Domains are further defined through Subdomains that monitor the level of AVID implementation using multiple Indicators.

Structure of the CCI

  • WICOR Strategies
  • 21st Century Skills
  • Student Leaderships Skills
  • Goal Setting/Monitoring
  • Rigor for All

Instruction Promotes:


  • AVID Site/District Teams
  • Professional Learning
  • AVID Elective Classes
  • Equity and Access to Rigorous Courses
  • Data Collection and Analysis

Systems Support:


  • Strategic Planning
  • Modeling Expectations
  • College Readiness Mission and Vision
  • Career Readiness
  • Distributed Leadership Approach

Leadership Ensures:


  • College Awareness and Preparation
  • Common Belief in Student Success
  • High Expectations for All
  • Positive and Safe Learning Environment

Culture Fosters:


With Leadership, the CCI helps ensure and monitor:

  • That the school’s college and career readiness mission and vision are aligned with AVID’s philosophy for college readiness, reflected in site decisions, documents, and policies, and supported by all faculty, staff, students, families, and community members.
  • That representative governance focuses on collaboratively working to promote college and career readiness and high expectations for all students.
  • School documents and policies such as the School Improvement Plan, District Strategic Plan, and funding mechanisms are aligned with AVID’s College and Career Readiness System that helps ensure students have open and equal access to rigorous courses.

What is the CCI?

AVID's Coaching & Certification Instrument (CCI) provides a systematic pathway to impact more students through the implementation of AVID on a campus.

Close this window and click on the sticky notes to learn more

For school Systems, the CCI supports:

  • Managing the basic requirements of the AVID Elective that are in place to ensure college readiness for AVID Elective students.
  • Ensuring the master schedule, curriculum, instructional practices, and academic support structures are in place and implemented to promote students’ access to and success in rigorous courses.
  • Demonstrating that an increasing number of students are meeting benchmarks in core content areas to ensure they are prepared to enroll and succeed in rigorous, college-preparatory courses.
  • Ensuring that AVID Elective teachers, school leadership, and other faculty and staff receive professional learning in AVID learning strategies, methodologies, and structures to promote college readiness for all students.

Through the Culture Domain, the CCI helps foster:

  • Strategies so that all students have access to and become successful in rigorous middle school, high school, and college preparatory courses.
  • Active links among schools, community stakeholders, local colleges, and universities that facilitate field trips, college/career fairs, academic enrichment programs, and internships and increase students’ awareness about colleges and career opportunities.
  • A school climate in which college attendance and enrollment is a clear and prominent expectation and students are actively guided by faculty and staff to meet college readiness requirements for postsecondary success.

Through classroom Instruction, the CCI promotes:

  • AVID’s proven learning support structure that incorporates teaching and learning methodologies in the critical areas of Writing, Inquiry, Collaboration, Organization, and Reading (WICOR).
  • WICOR, which provides a learning model that educators can use to guide students in comprehending concepts and articulating ideas at increasingly complex levels.
  • 21st century skills that will benefit students beyond college and throughout their careers and lives.
  • Goal setting and monitoring mechanisms so that students can track and celebrate their progress as they navigate secondary and college preparations.
  • Consider the structure of the CCI (linked here).

As a Site Team:

  1. Read the header description located in the top left-hand corner and read the description for each Indicator from left to right.
  2. Establish and check the appropriate level of implementation for each Indicator and decide on your level of implementation.