TFB Board Game
Dr. Busto
Created on October 27, 2023
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- Choose your player
- Roll the dice
- Click on the number of the space you will land on
- Read and answer the question
- Click the bottom of the card to reveal the answer
- If you guessed incorrectly, stay where you are and say a positive phrase
- If you guessed correctly, you can move to that space by dragging you player!
Drag the game pieces
Use the dice!
Thoughts, feelings, behaviors board Game
Rhonda had a bad day at school because she forgot her homework. She thinks "It's okay, tomorrow will be better." What is the evidence for her positive thought?
The evidence is... Rhonda had a bad day because she forgot her homework
Flora's parents are arguing in the other room. Flora hears her mom say her name once. Flora thinks "Just because they said my name does not mean I am the reason they are fighting." What is the evidence behind this positive thought?
The evidence is...Flora's parents only said her name once
Sarah's mom picks her up from school every day and is usually on time. Today, her mom is 10 minutes late so far. Sarah thinks "It's okay, I'm sure she is just running late!" What is the evidence for this positive thought?
The evidence is...Sarah's mom is usually on time to pick her up
The evidence is...She has only been at the dance for 10 minutes!
Frances is at a school dance. She's been there for 10 minutes and no one has asked her to dance. Frances positive thought is "Maybe someone will ask me soon!" What is the evidence to support this positive thought?
The evidence is... Ellen and Laura have bee friends for a long time.
Ellen and Laura have been best friends for a long time. They get into a fight. Ellen thinks "We can cool of for a bit and then we will make up!" What is the evidence for this positive thought?
The evidence is...His parents are happier and friendlier
Steve's parents don't live together anymore, but they seem happier and friendlier to each other now. Steve thinks "My family has changed for the better." What is the evidence for this positive thought?
The evidence is... Alan has been practicing all week!
Alan is giving a speech in front of 40 people today. He has been practicing all week. He thinks "I'm nervous, but I can do it!" What is the evidence for this positive thought?
Lisa has been getting an A in math, but recently she was out sick for 2 weeks. Lisa thinks "I will have to work hard, but I will catch up!" What is the evidence for this positive thought?
The evidence is... Lisa is an A student in math
The evidence is...Carlos has been practicing his batting all week
Carlos has been working on his batting all week. He is going up to bat in a baseball game. He thinks "I am going to hit the ball!" What is the evidence for this positive thought?
Maria is wearing a new shirt. She notices that matt has been looking at her for a while. Maria thinks "Maybe matt thinks I look nice today." What is the evidence for this positive thought?
The evidence is...Maria is wearing a new shirt today
The evidence is...Jason hasn't fought with anyone in a month.
Jason used to fight often. He hasn't fought with anyone in the last month, but most kids aren't asking him to play with them. He thinks "Soon they will see that I can be a good friend." What is the evidence for this positive thinking?
The evidence is...Meg's mom played with her yesterday
Meg's mom is playing with her sister. Meg wanted to play with her mom like she did yesterday. She thinks "Maybe I can play with my mom tomorrow. What is the evidence for this positive thought?
Marvin usually does well on his spelling tests, but today he doesn't know how to spell the first word on his test. He thinks "I'll try my best on the rest of the words." What is the evidence for this positive thought?
The evidence is...Marvin usually does well on his spelling tests
The evidence is...She will be working with her favorite uncle
Karen's mom wants her to get a job on her favorite uncle's farm for the summer. Karen thinks "Maybe working on the farm will be fun! What is the evidence for this positive thought?
Jerome's mom worked until 10pm. She looks very tired. Jerome thinks "Maybe we can spend time together tomorrow!" What is the evidence for this positvie thought?
The evidence is... Jerome's mom worked late and is tired
Use this space to add awesome interactivity. Include text, images, videos, tables, PDFs... even interactive questions!
Judy just got back from her vacation and Stacy is listening to her talk about it. Stacy thinks "Just because Judy talks about her vacation, doesn't mean she thinks she's better than us" What is the evidence for this positive thought?
The evidence is...Judy just got back from her vacation and she is excited to talk about it
The evidence is...Lisa's whole family was sick too
Lisa's whole family got the flu this week. The day before they are supposed to leave for their vacation, Lisa also gets the flu. She thinks "It's okay, I couldn't help getting sick. What is the evidence for this positive thought?
The evidence is...Tom scored two hits in the game
Tom scores two points, but his team still loses the baseball game. Tom thinks "I still did a good job". What is the evidence for this positive thought?
The evidence is...Angie's dad always comes to her school plays!
Angie's dad always comes to her school plays, but tonight he showed up an hour late for her performance. She thinks "My dad still cares about me." What is the evidence to support this positive thought?
The evidence is... Kyle did well on the math homework!
Kyle did well on his math homework, so his teacher called on him to do a math problem on the board. He gets the wrong answer and thinks "Everyone makes mistakes, It is not a big deal!" What is the evidence for this positive thought?
The evidence is... Mike's dad says his girlfriend is nice!
Mike is meeting his dad's new girlfriend for the first time. His dad always says how nice she is. Mike thinks "I will like my dad's girlfriend." What is the evidence for this positive thought?
William's parents haven't been getting along for a long time. They just told him they are getting a divorce. He thinks "It's not my fault they are not staying together." What is the evidence for this positive thought?
The evidence is... His parent's haven't been getting along for a long time
The evidence is...James got an A- on his test
James has been working hard to do better in math. He gets an A- on a math test. James thinks "I'm doing better in math!" What is the evidence for this positive thought?
The evidence is...Kevin's friend had the operation and he is okay!
The doctor tells Kevin that he's going to operate on her and remove her appendix. Kevin's friend had his appendix removed 3 months ago. Kevin thinks "I'm going to be okay!" What is the evidence for this positive thought?