Reading Presentation
Tamara Gutierrez Aguiñaga
Created on October 25, 2023
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A study by Guthroe, Klauda and Ho (2013)
Relationship among motivation, engagement, achievement and instruction
The relationships among motivation, engament, achivement in reading, and effective instructional practices for reading development were examined in this study. Reading Motivation: includes goals, values, beliefs and despositions toward reading. It is driven by intrinsic interest and enjoyment of reading, confidence and the view of its importance. Adrresses the desire to read and achive personal goalsEngagement: represented by the actions to carry out reading goals and beliefs, responding to positive motivations to read. Represents the "doing" part of reading.
What supports motivation according to Dr. Grabbe1. Real-world interactions2. Autonomy3. Interesting instruction texts4. Opportunties for extended reading5. Strategy instruction6. Social collaboration and relationship building 7. Evaluation and feeback
Motivation and engagement are the cognitive abilities that shape a child's interaction with the world and impact their learning capacities.
Research design
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The researchers carried out a large experimental training study. This type od studies are designed to investigate the effectiveness of a specific training program
What kind of study?
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This research used the previous work of the researchers on "Concept-Oriented Reading Instruction (CORI)" , this is an approach designed to support reading motivation, engament and achivement
Research Design
Selecting respondents
This study involded 1,159 middle school students in the 7th grade 854 of them were taught or six weeks trough a CORI unitThe rest were a control group.
Selecting Respondents
Collecting Data
All classes incorporated aspects of motivation and engagement support. Classes involved multiple-text reading and self-selected readings. Students got an immerse amount of topical knowledge
This group had a 6-week science unit based on CORI principles. Taught for 90 minutes every week.Based on plants and animals in community interactionsStudents were given a big question for the week as well as daily questions
4 positive: intrinsict motivation, self-efficacy, valuing and prosocial goals. 3 negative: difficulty, devaluing and antisocial goals2 engagement: dedication to reading and avoidance of reading
The students were asked to fill a motivation and engagement survey that measured 7 aspects: 4 positive reading a spects, 3 negative associations with motivation and 2 engagement aspects.
Experimental Group
Collecting Data
Collecting Data
Two versions of Reading Comprehension were created: To serve as a Pre- and Post- tests
The students worked with grade-level literature for 90 minutes per day each weeks and engaged in activities provided by the anthology or provided by the teacher.
To practice strategies, support each other's comprehension of readings and discuss posible answers.
Control Group
Collecting Data
data processing
Structural equation model (SEM): Technique used to test and estimate complex relationships among variables.
All of the data from the seven motivation measures, two engagement measures, and the pre- and post- reading measures was entered into a two structural equation models (SEMs). Each model generated fit statistics among variables.
Data Processing
Second SEM
First SEM
- Examined only relationships among motivation, enfafement and acchivement at the pre-intervention stage
- Provided an inital picture
- Showed students were not motivated by informational-tet comprehension
- Intrinsic motivation and value variables were significant and negatuvely related to achivement even trought they are common measures of positive motivation
- Positive motivation = dedication
- Negative motivation = avoidance
- Statistical outcome: motivation toward indormational text was low but that students were willing to engage
- Engage more = higher achivement
First SEM
- Post-intervention
- Incorporated the impact of CORI instruction
- Intruction impacted motivation strongly
- Positive motivation aspects all were imporved by CORI
- Negativation motivation also decreased by CORI
- CORI instuction also helped with dedication and impacted negatively with avoidance
- Negative motivations = avoidance
- Directly impacted informational-text test performance and comprehension measure
- Engagement in this model did not directly impact comprehension-test results
- Together all of the contributing variables accounted for 56% of the variance in comprehension test gains
Second SEM
Share results
Do interpretations
Analyze and compare data
Collect the data
Do the two SEMs
Apply research
Divide control and experimental group
Choose your respondents
Design the research
Make your hypothesis
Plan the research
findings & interpretation
We fount that prior to CORI instruction, studets were minimally motivated, but willing to engage with informational texts. While with CORI students were motivated and engaged this leading to achivements. We can interpret that reading in a more dynamic way improves motivation, engagement and achivement.
Findings & Interpretations
We can conclude that we can't expect students to be motivated and engaged to read just by giving them literature texts and assigments. We can't expect them to achive from this if they aren't motivated. Using other methods like CORI than involved classes, team-work, big and daily questions, emphazising importance, promoting relevance to personal experience, self-selected readings and discussion made the reading experience more fun and dynamic which as a result motivated students to read and got them engaged into it, all of this resulting in ahchivent in reading skills. Personally, I agree. I grew up with a boring reading method wich didn't motivate me or engaged me at all. I think if I had grown up with a method like this I would've enjoyed reading class more. This is a reading method teachers want to approach.
Study = What gets students motivated? Using CORI to encourage motivationPrinciple = Why is motivation essential? Develop cognitive processes and autonomy to readWe need to understand why motivation is essential and apply this princple in class to get students motivated, this is easier if we use CORI as this study proved that it encourages students motivation and engament
Both the principle and the study talk about motivation but they do it from different perspectives that end up working together
Motivation is a Vital role for learning
Motivation + Engagement = Cognitive processes
Principle 4: Building Student Motivation to Read is Essential
Advice for motivation
thanks for your attention
W. Grabbe & F. L. Stoller (2019) Teaching and Researching Reading (Third Edition), Routledge.R. Rockets (n.d.) Concept Oriented Reading Instruction (CORI), Reading Rockets. Retrieved from: & Yamashita (n.d.) "Motivation" advide from Prof. Grabe: Questions answered. Canvas. Retrieved from:
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- Generate experiences with your content.
- It’s got the Wow effect. Very Wow.
- Make sure your audience remembers the message.
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With Genially templates, you can include visual resources to wow your audience. You can also highlight a particular sentence or piece of information so that it sticks in your audience’s minds, or even embed external content to surprise them: Whatever you like!Do you need more reasons to create dynamic content? No problem! 90% of the information we assimilate is received through sight and, what’s more, we retain 42% more information when the content moves.
- Generate experiences with your content.
- It’s got the Wow effect. Very Wow.
- Make sure your audience remembers the message.
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Let the communication flow!
With Genially templates, you can include visual resources to wow your audience. You can also highlight a particular sentence or piece of information so that it sticks in your audience’s minds, or even embed external content to surprise them: Whatever you like!Do you need more reasons to create dynamic content? No problem! 90% of the information we assimilate is received through sight and, what’s more, we retain 42% more information when the content moves.
- Generate experiences with your content.
- It’s got the Wow effect. Very Wow.
- Make sure your audience remembers the message.