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> click on a character!

Evil Hat Guy: time travel.

Look at what you've done.Did you think it would turn out this way? There's goo everywhere. It's covering, like, all the furniture. The world is on fire.

> Turn back time.

Be a guy.

Your name is DEVIN BLACK.You don't know how you ended up in this situation. You have a cool, magical hammer now, though, and you feel like smashing things with it.Except, you're falling into a pit towards a slime monster.

>Continue the adventure!

Be this other girl.

>Return to your friends.

Your name is KIT SAVAGE.This is playing out just like the dream you had! How exciting!You believe it does not end well.You should probably get back to helping him up.

Be this girl.

Your name is LEAH BLYTHE.No comic book could prepare you for this. But, you have powers now and are shooting a slime thing while the ground caves in.And it's not interrupting your weekend plans.

>Keep blasting this slime thing.

Be this guy.

Your name is BRETT KNIGHT.Bro's katana couldn't beat the one you have now. You really wanna get back to your video games, though.Maybe they'll be boring to play after this...

>Keep kicking this slime's butt!!

Slime Thing: remember.

These are your origins.Look, you're being calibrated and prepared to be reanimated!An army is about to be made.


Giant Slime: remember.

These are your origins.Look, you're being calibrated and prepared to be reanimated!An army is about to be made.


Giant Slime: Calibrate.


This is a little boring.

>Turn into something.

Turn into something.

Woah!You look just like Brett's older bro.This is so cool.

>Turn into something else.

Turn into something else.

That's creepy.

>Go back!

Continue the adventure!

>Enter the gate.

Thank you for reading!

original art.some panels taken from Andrew Hussie. Homestuck, 2009.

music by Toby Fox.
