Evaluation Presentation
Danielle Arena
Created on October 24, 2023
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Danni Arena Evaluation Presentation23-24
General Music Grade 6General Music Grade 7Chorus Grade 6Chorus Grades 7+8
By the end of each week, in an effort to increase rapport and spread joy, I will have communicated true and positive information with at least one family member via phone, email or in person. These interactions will be documented via a spreadsheet.
By the end of each quarter, 80% or more of students in the seventh grade will be able to draw connections between the modern music they listen to and music from around the world. This will be tracked via student completion of the Passport Project and assessed with the reflection questions at the end of their Passport Booklets.
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Teacher Rubric
Second Goal
Goal 1
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Teacher Rubric
First Goal
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Goal 2
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E, Expectations Indicator1. High Expectations2. Access to Knowledge
D. Cultural Proficiency Indicator1. Creates and Maintains a Respectful Environment
C. Student Learning Indicator
B. Learning Environment Indicator1. Safe Learning Environment2. Collaborative LearningEnvironment3. Student Motivation
A. Instruction Indicator1. Quality of Effort and Work2. Student Engagement3. Meeting Diverse Needs
Standard 2
F. Professional Responsibilities Indicator1. Judgement2. Reliability and Responsibility
E. Shared Responsibility Indicator1. Shared Responsibility
D. Decision Making Indicator1. Decision Making
C. Collaboration Indicator1. Professional Collaboration
B. Professional Growth Indicator1. Professional Learning and Growth
A. Reflection Indicator1. Reflective Practice2. Goal Setting
Standard 4
C. Communication Indicator1. Culturally Proficient Communication
B. Collaboration Indicator1. Learning Expectations2. curriculum Support
A. Engagement Indicator1. Family Engage ment
Standard 3
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3. Analysis Indicator1. Analysis and Conclusions2. Sharing Conclusions With Colleagues3. Sharing Conclusions With Students
B. Assessment Indicator1. Variety of Assessment Methods2. Adjustments to Practice
A. Curriculum and Planning Indicator1. Subject Matter Knowledge2. Child and Adolescent Development3. Well-Structured Units and Lessons
Standard 1
I personally think that the curriculum matches students' needs and abilities at the level where students are expected to be. I have been working with students on their musical abilities for many years prior and am able to use that experience, coupled with the state standards to fairly guage what is and is not developmentally appropriate.I do however struggle with the academic setbacks caused in recent years. I have had to resort to more rote learning and aural demonstration than should be developmentally appropriate for the age bracket which I teach. Many students are capable of the reading and problem solving skills required to learn the materials. However the ratio of students who are and are not capable of using provided materials to learn songs has changed so much in he past five years. It can be challenging to guage what is possible to be achieved independantly and what should be learned as a group. I believe that I am proficient at adapting methodology to the children I have in the room so that everyone can learn, but wonder if allowing them to read the directions, attempt to do more independantly and make errors would provide them with more opportunities for growth.
I am a subject matter expert in all three of the classes. I have developed a straightforward method of teaching keyboards over the course of my career that has allowed me to ashare information in a way that is comprehensible to most students. In addition, I always set aside time to work 1:1 during class (while others work independantly) with students who need extra support or were out of the room during instruction. In all three classes, the pacing is designed such that students can catch up on missing content with ease. However, I am always there to assist as needed.In chorus, not only have I worked at teaching students the songs and exercises, but throughout the year, students have learned the neccessary skills which prepare them for reading music. In developing these skills now, I am ensuring that by the eigth grade our current sixth graders can use a variety of learning methods to enhance their singing experience.
By the end of each quarter, 80% or more of students in the seventh grade will be able to draw connections between the modern music they listen to and music from around the world. This will be tracked via student completion of the Passport Project and assessed with the reflection questions at the end of their Passport Booklets. Insert reflection here
By the end of each quarter, 80% or more of students in the seventh grade will be able to draw connections between the modern music they listen to and music from around the world. This will be tracked via student completion of the Passport Project and assessed with the reflection questions at the end of their Passport Booklets. Insert reflection here
I am proficient at meeting the students where they should be in regards to the stae standards and based off of my interactions with the collegues from the elementary schools. I could improve my ability to reach students where they are if I had a greater understanding of the