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Isaac newton

Físico y Matematico inglés

His name

Isaac Newton's name was Sir Isaac Newton and his place of birth was Wools Thorpe manor, United Kingdom on December 25, 1642.

Story of his life

The invention of optics, the scientific method, and the laws of physics and gravity.

Nationality & language

Isaac Newton was English and the only language he spoke was English, I don't know if he spoke any other language.

His inventions

Isaac's parents were Sir Isaac Newton and Hannah Ayscough.

Título C

Some of his achievements were...

  1. He was not good with human relationships; it is known that he had a feud with the German astronomer Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz due to a dispute over the invention of calculus. He also failed in the search for the transmutation of metals to gold through alchemy. And the last error that I am going to mention is the error in calculating the speed of sound in air where I significantly underestimated its real value.

Título 2

Although Isaac Newton is well known for his discoveries in optics (white light composition) and mathematics (calculus), it is his formulation of the three laws of motion—the basic principles of modern physics—for which he is most famous.

Why was he famous?

The reason why I chose him

  • I chose him because he is a great scientist and I like science.

When he died?

He died on 20 March 1727 in Kensington, London, aged 84. The cause of his death was due to a number of health conditions including gastrointestinal problems and an obstruction in the small intestine.

The creation of the reflecting telescopethe proposal of the new theory of lightThe discovery of calculus (a branch of mathematics)He gave the three laws of physics of motion (the law of inertia, acceleration and action and reaction) He created the universal gravitational law.


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