Economics Theme Project
Catalina Gallardo
Created on October 23, 2023
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Economics theme project
Catalina Gallardo
This is my favorite cover out of the three. I really like the image and design. The mysterious yet alluring design catches the eye.
This design stood out to me alot. I like the colors as well as the hourglass in the middle representing how the protagonist jumps timelines.
The contrasting colors are useful in standing out to potential buyers. I don't like how dark the images are. I also would've chosen images that explain more about what the book is about.
Dear Publishing House
First and foremost I would like to thank you for this opportunity. I am honored to have been trusted with this responsibility. The most critical aspect of my proposal is the target audience, as well as delivering the right message that will capture their attention. To accomplish this, I needed to understand the audience very well. This is why I chose young adults as my target audience. Being a part of this demographic gives me a deep and thorough understanding that is incredibly valuable. I chose to highlight the drastic change in the Boston from the 19th to the 21st century by comparing two pictures on the cover. I imagine this is how the narrarator, Julian West, felt when he saw how much his home had revolutionized since his deep sleep. This cover will attract these younger audiences to buy the book and the story will grasp their attention.
The front cover of this book shows two pictures of Boston, Massachusetts, one from the 19th century when Julian West falls into his deep sleep, and a picture from the 21st century when he regains conciousness. This is meant give glimpse to the viewer of how Julian must have felt seeing this city change so drastically in its values and message. This is meant to peak the interest of the viewer and attract a younger audience. Aside from the design persepctive, the use of the glasses is meant to be a play on the title "Looking Backwards", in hope to give the reader a taste of what the book is about.
The back cover of the book includes the title and the author's name, as well as a picture of him. Then there is a short summary of the book meant to draw readers in.
Target AUdience
Young Adults
I chose young adults as my target audience because it is the audience that I know the best and can relate to the most. This gives me an exclusive understanding of what will attract this audience and the best ways to reach them through the design of the book cover. Even thought this book was written in 1888, I think that a younger audience can still connect with the message of the novel.
Professor Nusz Letter
Professor, I thouroughly enjoyed this project. My favorite part was the design of the book cover. I liked deisgning it as well as researching the past designs. I am proud of my cover and I think it reflect well on the book. I also enjoyed reading Looking Backward a lot. I think that the Perusall annotation tool really helps to interact with classmates and feel like you're reading all together. Overall, I think this module was a success and I hope the ones to come go just as well.
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