Created on October 22, 2023
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Nelson Mandela
Mahatma Gandhi
Pioneers of civil rights leaders
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Apartheid forced whites and non-whites to live and work in separate areas. The 'non-whites' were not only black Africans, but also minorities of Asians or people of mixed ethnicity. It wasn't just interracial marriages that were prohibited: a white man and a black man couldn't even sit in the same restaurant or take the same bus. Segregation also affected children: blacks went to different schools than whites. Even sports teams did not allow players of different 'colors'.
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Fight against apartheid
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In 1952, in this dramatic climate, Nelson Mandela opened South Africa's first 'black' law firm together with his friend Oliver Tambo, specializing in cases dealing with apartheid laws and dedicated to citizens. poorer and more defenseless blacks. At the same time, Mandela carried out his political activity together with the ANC: the party was liked more and more, in particular by the younger people, both white and black, who opposed Apartheid more and more clearly.
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Initially, Mandela was inspired by Gandhi and his peaceful protests in India, convinced that non-violence was the only possible way to solve South Africa's problems. Despite this, he became a real target for the authorities, who considered him a dangerous individual: from 1952 they began to restrict his freedoms, making it difficult for him to travel and speak in public. In 1956 he was arrested on charges of high treason along with more than 100 other anti-apartheid activists, in what was to all intents and purposes an intimidating maxi-trial. After a five-year trial, during which he divorced and remarried, he was finally freed only in 1961.
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Rolihlahla Mandela (the name Nelson was given to him by a school teacher) was born on 18 July 1918 in the Transkei, in the south-eastern part of South Africa. His father Henry was a chieftain among his people, the Thembu: the Mandela family were related to the royal Thembu family. Nelson lost his father at the age of 9 and was adopted by a Thembu regent. Nelson attended a missionary school, and then college. he studied law at Fort Hare University, and already in these years his determined and non-conformist character emerged: Mandela left university in 1939 following some student protests, refused to marry the woman his family had chosen for him, and he decided to go and live in Johannesburg. Here he resumed his studies, becoming a lawyer in 1942: to do so, he had to renounce his rights as a tribal chief.
A little about his life
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What did he do
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Gandhi was born on 2 October 1869 in Porbandar, India. At just 12 years old Gandhi married, in a Hindu arranged marriage, to Kastürbā Gāndhi, also 12 years old, and with whom he had 4 sons; However, Gandhi would later often fight against the custom of child marriage. He studied at the universities of Ahmedabad and London, graduated in law and for a short period practiced law in Bombay. In recent generations his family held some important positions in the courts of Kathiawar. The Gandhis belonged to a Hindu sect with particular devotion to Vishnu.
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Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, also known as the Mahatma (i.e. the Great Soul) was an Indian politician and leader of the movement for freedom and independence of India, as well as the founder of non-violence, a method of political struggle that rejects any act of violence.Gandhi lived from 1893 to 1914 in South Africa, becoming aware of the living conditions in the country and fighting against racial discrimination. The Mahatma fights for the recognition of the rights of his compatriots and since 1906 he launched, on a mass level, his method of struggle based on non-violence, also called Satyagraha: a form of radical non-collaboration with the British government, conceived as a means of mass pressure. With the start of the First World War, Gandhi returned to India and was subsequently stopped by a strike. On 13 April 1919 in Amristar, General Reginald Dyer ordered his troops to open fire on the crowd attending a rally in a narrow square of the city, causing more than 1,500 deaths and injuries. From this episode Gandhi became the soul of the resistance movement which practiced a double tactic:
What did he do
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the propaganda of Swadeshi (economic independence from any form of exploitation of others and coercion), the demand for national independence.
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non-participation in loans, boycott of courts and state schools, refusal to hold civil or military positions;
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