Want to make creations as awesome as this one?




You're a scientist working at MUG. Unfortunately, you don't remember much. You don't know what you're working on or where this memory loss came from. You walk down the hall looking for your office, maybe there you will find more information or someone who will be able to give a little hint.

Jane Doe PhD.

- Looks like this is my door.

password: year of birth

- I could eat yogurt, actually...

file type

- Oh, I could eat yogurt, actually.

Social room

Oh, I could eat yogurt, actually.

file type


password: year of birth

- Kurczaki, nie pamiętam, może któryś z moich kolegów wie ile mam lat?

- Nooooo... I didn't make a backup?

- Oh, I could eat yogurt, actually.

file type

Thank you for this time together! We hope you had fun and learned something along the way :)
