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The Toltec culture was an ancient Mesoamerican civilization that inhabited the northern Mexican highlands between 900 ACE. and 1200 ACE.


The basis of the Toltec economy was agriculture and taxes imposed on conquered peoples. Agriculture focused on cultivating fields irrigated by a complex system of canals. Corn, beans and other vegetables characteristic of the Mesoamerican region were harvested there. In addition, some studies indicate that amaranth was a key food in the Toltec diet. The work of metals, stones, and ceramics was done mainly in the cities. In addition, through trade and taxation of conquered peoples, the Toltecs obtained raw materials that were scarce in the region and other luxury goods that allowed them to wield their power.

Toltec Economy

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The Toltecs inhabited the northern Mesoamerican region, in the current Mexican states of Zacatecas, Hidalgo and part of Jalisco. It is believed that during the 10th century d. C. emigrated from the deserts of the north (which in their mythology called Huehuetlapallan or "Old Red Land") to Culhuacán, in the valley of Mexico. The borders of his empire were extensive, and his influence extended to the southeast of the Yucatan peninsula, and his culture expanded to other peoples of the time, such as the Maya, as evidenced by the architecture and Toltec representations present in Chichen Itzá.

They are an important civilization in the history of Mesoamerican culture because many different later societies in the same area considered the Toltec to be an example of the height of craftsmanship and civilization. For example, the Aztec society, which dominated central Mexico from about 1325 to 1520, considered themselves to be the successors to the earlier Toltec.

Importance of the culture

Toltec Art

TULA - Archeological site

Una de las principales obras de la cultura tolteca que ha perdurado hasta nuestros días es el conjunto de guerreros de piedra o “atlantes” que aún permanecen en la ciudad de Tula, y que habrían estado decorados con mosaicos y plumas. Estas estatuas fueron labradas en bloques de basalto ensamblados, miden más de 4,5 metros de altura y sostenían el techo del templo. Los guerreros son representaciones de Quetzalcoatl y visten los trajes bélicos, con pechera y armas curvas, típicas del estilo tolteca.

Social and Political Organization

Toltec society was deeply militaristic. Toltecs obeyed a warrior monarchy legitimized by religious beliefs. The ruling elite consisted of warriors, officials, priests and hierarchs, in charge of government, state organization, military expansion and religious ceremonies. The rest of the population consisted of peasants and craft workers such as artisans, potters, carpenters and spinners. Below on the social scale, were slaves, who were captured from the peoples subjected to military victories.


From this culture comes the myth of Quetzalcoatl. This story was appropriated by other cultures, which generated a multiplicity of versions.In the Toltec worldview, the myth tells of the fall of the monarch-god Quetzalcoatl. Originally, Quetzalcoatl was the guide of his people, taught his religious arts and crafts and, in addition, achieved a deep spirituality. However, through deceit, the god Tezcatlipoca showed him through a mirror an image of vanity and immortality and led Quetzalcoatl to make different mistakes that made him fall from grace.

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