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Novello Elena, Ruffato Giorgio, Tecchio Giulia, Zambon Mattia

Our ice cream shop

We’re a group of 4 young guys with the dream to open an ice cream shop with bizzare tastes.





Set up your business

Where we are



Who we are

Business mission


Earnings prediction


We work in the business sector of food:
  • the name of our business is "Veneto a modo nostro".
  • we're four partners on the same level: two girls, Elena Novello and Giulia Tecchio and two boys, Giorgio Ruffato and Mattia Zambon.
  • we'll open our first shop in Cavallino on the 01/06/24, because we'll need four months for the renovation of our shop and the other four to hire employees, make the advertisements and try the tastes of our ice cream.

Something about us

Our first shop is in Cavallino (VE), a beatiful town near the sea, in Via Fausta, 76.We bought it for €250.000, and we decided to buy it so we didn't have to pay a rent every month.The qualities of our shop:
  • It has four rooms (with a modern toilet).
  • It has two floors, one's on the ground floor and the other is underground.
  • It is 100 square meters wide.
  • It's very bright.

Where we are

We are 4 investors and we put in 40,000 euros each for a total of 160,000.

Our jobs and roles

Giorgio RuffatoHe takes care of producing the various flavors of ice cream.

Elena NovelloShe lets customers try the flavors and serves them.

Giulia TecchioShe takes care of marketing and advertising management.

Mattia ZambonHe takes care of the ice cream van.

We chose this logo because we want to say that we take the flavors of the typical dishes of the Veneto and transform them into ice cream so that we can enjoy them even in summer. We created this logo to effectively convey the purpose of the business.It is very simple with a neutral background and our company name. Highlighting the Venetian and then adding in our own way. In the center there is an ice cream cone. We chose the green colour to continue the theme of sustainability visible at first glance, making it lively and captivating.


We have a space underground so we created a nightclub for teenagers where we have a bar that sells milkshakes and drinks. There will be space to dance and sing, a DJ that plays music and a lot of colored lights. It’s guaranteed you’ll have a lot of fun.

On the underground floor we have a big space where we will create a nightclub

Her name is milù and she will serve you your milkshakes and drinks.



We have another service that is the sale on the beach of Cavallino of our ice creams with an ice cream van. We’ll drive our van all over the beach so we can let many people know about our ice cream.

Why is our shop sustainable?

Our shop is sustainable because:

All of the products that we use to make ice cream are from 0 km farms.

We produce our ice cream using biodegradable and biosustainable products only.

We produce energy through solar panels placed on the roofs and the car parking lots of our store.

Our mission is to pass on the typical venetian flavors in the form of ice creams and bring this culture outside the Veneto region by expanding throughout the world.We're starting from a shop in Cavallino testing extravagant flavors which, according to market research, could be appreciated by our venetian customers.Our main objective is to make Venetian flavors organic; it is a challenge that we want to promote every day.Our target is all those who want to try a particular taste of ice cream even for those who are lactose intolerant. Specifically we are aiming at a campaign for young people by providing a night club with music.Our mission is to make an ice cream that can create a memorable and happy experience.

Business Mission

The menù:

Our flavors






Marostica's cherry

Fundamental elements


with flyers and promotios

Ice cream van




inside the nightclub


We hired an employee for €29,500 per year

Balance Sheet




Vino Novello



We decided to undertake an advertising campaign to raise awareness of the shop before opening with this flyer giving the first customers the opportunity to taste our ice cream at half price.


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