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Education Monitor
Programme Committee
How do we organize our programme? How do we raise awareness among lecturers? How do we professionalize lecturers? How do we design our course units?
Design and Develop
Effective implementation of innovations in the programme
 Do the innovations in the programme correspond to the vision of (future-proof) education? Explicitly communicate the successes to the team and make adjustments where necessary.
How and to what extent are the elements of the vision present or absent in the existing programme? Determine points of action.
Scan Your Study Programme 
What is the student profile we want to deliver? What current and future context/challenges do we need to take into account?
Update Your Vision
Put together a team of key people. Think about the stakeholders you can involve in the next steps.
Bring Together Your Team
Item 125
Item 225
Item 325
Item 425
Item 525
Item 625
Chart data table
Programmes generally go through a cycle of 6 steps 
(Future-proof) Ghent University Study Programmes: How to Get Started?