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Acid Ribonucleic ( ARN ) is a basic polymer molecule that has many biological roles .


Lorem ipsum

1. Chemical structure- The elements : C, H,O,N,P -Construct according to the principle of multimerization - The monomers are nucleotides : A ( Adenine) U ( Uracil ) G ( Guanine ) X ( Xitozin ) / C ( Cytosine ) - Each nucleotide monomer is compose of 3 components : C5H10O5 H3PO4 1 or 4 base


2. Space Chemical- ARN has a single-strand structure-Can has a straight chain or a single helix - there are 3 main type of ARN : Messenger ARN (mARN) TRansfer ARN (tARN) Riboxomal ARN (rARN)


Component that make up ribosome

covey intormation and participate in proteinsynthesis

Riboxmal ARN ( rARN )

Transter ARN (tARN)

Transport acid amino to ribosomes for protein synthists

messenger ARN ( mARN)
