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04. Homework
03. Act out !
02. Re-cycle activities
01. Discover the new chapter
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04. Homework

03. Act out !

02. Re-cycle activities

01. Discover the new chapter


Raise you hand to participate!

Look at the image and describe what you can see

Section 01


Good morning class!


Apprendre le vocabulaire

Apprendre la leçon

Faire une jolie page de garde pour le titre


04. Homework

03. discover british schools !

02. Re-cycle activities

01. Vocabulary interrogation


Raise your hand to participate !

Listen and say where the object is !

Section 02

report to the class

... has got ... and ... . But he/she doesn't have ... or ... .

play the detective

Ask your neighbours about their school objects. Do you have your ... in your schoolbag ?


Raise your hand to participate !

look at the images and describe them

Section 03

This is shonny

  • Can you guess her age ? Her country ?
  • What is different in picture 2 ?


Watch the video and complete the information about shonny

Section 03

Apprendre le vocabulaire

Apprendre la leçon

Faire la présentation de Shonny (phrases à compléter)


04. Homework

03. discover british schools ! (end)

02. Correction of the homework

01. Vocabulary interrogation


Raise your hand to participate !

Can you name the different parts of a uniform ?

Section 03

Raise your hand to participate !

Look at the image and guess what the slideshow is about

Section 03

Good luck !

In groups, listen to one day anc complete the timetable

Section 03

Apprendre le vocabulaire

Apprendre la leçon

Choisir son jour préféré de l'emploi du temps


04. Homework

03. Mini task

02. Class referendum

01. Vocabulary interrogation


Use your notes !

In groups, discuss and decide about your group's favourite day

Section 02

You can do it!

Present your favourite day on your timetable !

Section 03

Apprendre le vocabulaire

Apprendre la leçon

S'entraîner avec les cartes de vocabulaire sur le blog


04. Homework

03. Mini task

02. Halewood or hogwarts ?

01. Vocabulary interrogation


Raise your hand to participate!

look at the image and describe it!

Section 01

Speak English!

Now visit the school in groups!

Section 02

Don't cheat!

Memorize the map for 1 minute

Section 02

You can do it!

Describe the school map using There is/there are.

Section 02

You can do it!

What is your favourite school and why ?

Section 03

Apprendre le vocabulaire

Apprendre la leçon

Réfléchir à son école préférée + à ses arguments


04. Homework

03. Act out!

02. First day at school

01. Vocabulary interrogation


Raise your hand to participate!

look at the image and describe it!

Section 01

You can do it!

Watch the video and take notes

Section 01

Raise your hand to participate!

Now, let's recap what you know!

Section 01

Train with your classmates!

It's your turn ! Memorize and act out the scene.

Section 01

04. Homework

03. Training time!

02. Grammar time

01. Vocabulary interrogation


Apprendre le vocabulaire

Apprendre la leçon

Finir les exercices de grammaire


04. Homework

03. school rules

02. homework correction

01. Vocabulary interrogation


Train with your classmates!

Listen and repeat !

Section 03

Apprendre le vocabulaire

Apprendre la leçon

Tout réviser pour le jeu de révision


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