Corporate video
Created on October 8, 2023
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It is the community effort to promote and implement sustainable practices for a better environment.
MZUZAH'S MISSIONTo Inspire, empower, and provide key tools for economic, social, and environmental, sustainability of next generation leaders in emerging economies.
The more people are willing to work together, the quicker small actions can grow into a global effort. Small adjustments in our behavior can resolve huge issues within the environment.
This what we are all about at Mzuzah!
This what we are all about at Mzuzah!
It unites local communities while increasing implementation of better sustainable solutions
Why Grassroots Organizations Are Essential for Sustainability
Mzuzah has implemented its sustainable minds program in Universities across several countries.
Mzuzah, has also implemented medical/dental interventions in underprivileged segments of society across several countries, we have typically done this at orphanages & other underserved communities across West Africa.
Mzuzah, has also implemented medical/dental interventions in underprivileged segments of society across several countries, we have typically done this at orphanages & other underserved communities across West Africa.
We have partnered with :
Mzuzah has parterned with colleges such as the Johns Hopkins University, Carey Business School & the Bloomberg School of Public Health, as well as the Lagos State University.
Supporting movable feast in Baltimore in collaboration with Bloomberg School of Public Health.
Mzuzah helped to prepare over 1000 meals for the poor and needy in the Baltimore area.
Our most recent partnership
UNICEF partnernship supports our Mzuzah sustainable minds program to develop a new crew of sustainability focused entrpreneurs
End hunger, achieve food security and improvednutrition and promote sustainable agriculture.Ensure healthy lives and promotewell-being for all at all ages.
our fulfilled UNSDG goals:
Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.
Mzuzah Fulfilled UNSDGs
End hunger, achieve food security and improvednutrition and promote sustainable agriculture.Ensure healthy lives and promotewell-being for all at all ages.
Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable.
we are aiming to look at a medical/dental intervention in Ghana, Nigeria, and Gambia by 2024.
We aim host medical/dental intervention programs in Ghana, Nigeria, and Gambia by 2024.
Reach 5500 youth orphanages
5 countries
Financial goal is approximately
Financial goal is approximately
- you can become a next generation leader around sustainability and social impact issues.- you reflect on the consequences of your actions, encompassing your impact on personal economic well-being, as well as the well-being of our community and environment.
When you volunteer with Mzuzah ...
When you volunteer with Mzuzah ...
- You can become a next generation leader around sustainability and social impact issues.
- You reflect on the consequences of your actions, encompassing your impact on personal economic well-being, as well as the well-being of our community and environment.
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