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- Memory
- Brain sees, processes, and stores
- Memory ability varies with learning theory
- New relavant information
- Online tools used
- George Count
- Theorido Brameld
- Christopher Jencks
- Johnathan Kozol
- Gary Orfield
- William Wilson
- Henry Giroux

Learning Theories
Sakina Brandford
Created on October 5, 2023
Topic 2
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- Memory
- Brain sees, processes, and stores
- Memory ability varies with learning theory
- New relavant information
- Online tools used
- George Count
- Theorido Brameld
- Christopher Jencks
- Johnathan Kozol
- Gary Orfield
- William Wilson
- Henry Giroux
Adult learning theory
learning theory
Reference Ornstein, A. C., & Hunkins, F. P. (2016). Curriculum: foundations, principles, and issues. (7th ed). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. ISBN-13: 9780134060354
- Know as "Reconstructionist Philosophy"
- Meeting needs of society with education
- Advocating for opportunities for all students
Socioculturial Theory
Reference Ornstein, A. C., & Hunkins, F. P. (2016). Curriculum: foundations, principles, and issues. (7th ed). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson. ISBN-13: 9780134060354
Learning for this theory is focused on improving lives of future generations to advance society. Education is seen as the "great equalizer" to upward mobility. Students and teachers hold the reigns to change in the education system. Reconstructionists believe in creating educational opportunities for all children for successful adulthood.
Reference Downs, S. (2019). Recent Work in Connectivism. European Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning, v22 n2 p112-131. https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1245809.pdf
- Rooted in learners being self directed
- Internal motivation
- Not influenced by external factors
- Learner interacts with the internet
Dagg, Khristian D. (Year). A Scholar-Practitioner Perspective on a Leadership Development Program in Health Care: Integrating Connectivism Theory Advances in Developing Human Resources 2017, Vol. 19(3) 295–31. https://journals-sagepub-com.lopes.idm.oclc.org/doi/pdf/10.1177/1523422317712671
- Making connections while learning
- Seeking diverse aspects of knowledge
- Massive Open Online Course (MOOCS)
Allen, S. J., Rosch, D. M., & Riggio, R. E. (2022). Advancing Leadership Education and Development: Integrating Adult Learning Theory. Journal of Management Education, 46(2), 252-283. https://doi-org.lopes.idm.oclc.org/10.1177/10525629211008645
- Useful in Higher Education, Business Training, Leadership Development
- Learner self motivation, external rewards
- Goal Setting Process
- Collaboration with others
- Growth mindset
Adult Learning Theory
Jensen, E., & McConchie, L. (2020). Brain-Based learning (3rd ed.). SAGE Publications.
- Each of these three learning theories activates the brain.
- Sociocultural - memory building via emotional and social interactions
- Connectivism - memory building via internal reward sensors with use of internet
- Adult Learning - memory building due to retrieval and practice.