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Abigail Nicolella - 6th Period

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Women began to seek expanded roles in society and politics. Abigail Adams, wife of John Adams, advocated for women's rights and for women to have a role in the government. In a famous letter to her husband, she implored him to "remember the ladies," or else they would form a rebellion of their own to achieve equal rights.

The outcome of the Second Continental Congress was that the Congress, the "acting government" of the colonies, sent the Olive Branch Petition to the king asking for peace and reconciliation, and when it was ignored, they selected George Washington to lead the army because of his experience in the French and Indian War.

The battles of Lexington and Concord were the first battles fought in the American Revolution. They were referred to as "the shot heard around the world. They were fought in April of 1775, the official start of the war.

The Declaration of Independence was significant because it was when the colonists officially declared that they intended to separate from Britain. The document listed the colonists' grievances against King George and spelled out exactly why they wanted independence. It was a huge move for the revolutionists who signed, because it if all went wrong they would be the first to be executed for treason.


Timeline: American Revolution

Lexington & Concord


Significance/Importance of Battle:

July 4, 1776

Significance of the Declaration of Independence:

Declaration of Independence

Mar 1776

Impact of the Role of Women & Republican Motherhood:

Remember the Ladies

Outcome of the Congress:

Second Continental Congress

May 1777

From the Treaty of Paris, America gained their independence, all the land west up to the Mississippi river, north to the border of Canada, and south to the border of Florida. Though the Mississippi was a boundary, the U.S. did not control it; the river was still controlled by Spain at this time. The U.S. also gained fishing rights off of Newfoundland and Nova Scotia.

The Battle of Yorktown marked the end of the American Revolution. Generals Washington and Rochambeau trapped British General Cornwallis in the peninsular town of Yorktown, and French naval forces trapped Cornwallis from fleeing the city. This forced Cornwallis to surrender not only the battle, but the whole Revolutionary War.

General Washington took his troops to Valley Forge during the winter; it was hard times, and 1/5 of the soldiers died from starvation or disease. Washington recieved help from German Baron von Steuben, and Frenchman Marquis de Lafayette, who helped him to train the troops.

The Battle of Saratoga was a major victory for the American army and considered the turning point in the Revolutionary War. The British planned a two-pronged attack on the Americans but failed, leading to their capture. This victory convinced the French and Spanish to lend their aid to support America's fight for liberty.

Explain what America gains:

Significance of the Battle of Yorktown:

Significance of Valley Forge:

Significance of the Battle of Saratoga:

Dec 1776

"The Crisis"

Impact of The Crisis:

Treaty of Paris, 1783

Timeline: American Revolution


Battle of Saratoga

Oct 1777

The impact of the crisis was that more people were encouraged to support American troops, and soldiers were inspired to re-enlist. "The Crisis" was Thomas Paine's message to the American people; it asked who would fight in the war, in order to galvanize Americans to fight for their independence against the British.


Oct 1781

Battle of Yorktown

Valley Forge

Dec 1777