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American Revolution TIMELINE
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The Decleration of Independence was a long list of complaints sent to the King of England by the colonies. Thomas Jefferson wrote saying hiw he violated rights and how America would like to seek independence from England.
The wife of John Adams, Abigail Adams advocated for womens right for equal political participation as men.She wanted the founding fathers to Remember the ladies as they began their movement.
It was the acting government of America that was afraid of England. They sent the Olive Branch petition to the king but was denied, later made George Washington the leader of the Army for the American Revolution.
It was the first battles of the American Revolution. The colonial militia lost the battle, but were celebrating that they were able to hold their own, later the Second Contential Congress elceted Groege Washington as the leader of the army
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Timeline: American Revolution
Lexington & Concord
Significance/Importance of Battle:
July 4, 1776
Significance of the Declaration of Independence:
Declaration of Independence
Mar 1776
Impact of the Role of Women & Republican Motherhood:
Remember the Ladies
Outcome of the Congress:
Second Continental Congress
May 1777
Allowed the United Sates to finally be independent from Great Britian. It allowed boundaries as west to the Mississippi River and north to Canada, and to Spanish florida.
Washington and Rochambeau trapped Gen. Wallis and his army in yorktown.The French was controlling the sea so the British couldn't leave, later France laid seige until the British finally surrendered.
1/5 of the Armies soldiers were dying due to diseases and starvation. Later George Washington recieved help from Baron Von Steuben, and Marquis De Lafayette to help train soldiers for the battles to come later in the American Revolution.
The important signifance of the Battle of Sarotaga is that America had defeated the British, which later lead to France and Spain to support them. This helped America as it lead to a greater chance of independence.
Explain what America gains:
Significance of the Battle of Yorktown:
Significance of Valley Forge:
Significance of the Battle of Saratoga:
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Dec 1776
"The Crisis"
Impact of The Crisis:
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Treaty of Paris, 1783
Timeline: American Revolution
Battle of Saratoga
Oct 1777
The American Crisis was a message to the American people to support their troops. This happened because soldiers were not re-enlisting making the army smaller and weaker than it was before.
Oct 1781
Battle of Yorktown
Valley Forge
Dec 1777