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Timeline: American Revolution
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May 1777

Second Continental Congress

Outcome of the Congress:

Remember the Ladies

Impact of the Role of Women & Republican Motherhood:

Mar 1776

Declaration of Independence

Significance of the Declaration of Independence:

July 4, 1776

Significance/Importance of Battle:


Lexington & Concord

Timeline: American Revolution


The Lexington and concord were the first battle that basically started of the American revolution. That prusaded many Americans to take up arm and support the cuase of the indepence.

The outcomes of the congress were that they met up to form the contential army and selected Gorge Washington to be the leader of the army becuase of his experience in fighting in the French and Indian war.

The impact resulted in the educational oppurtnities for the American women.

t also It achknoleged all the complaints the colonist had with King Gorge III and how he violated the colonial rights. Which also caused the colonis to want independence. Thomas Jeferson was the primary author of the Decloration of Independce.

Dec 1777

Valley Forge

Battle of Yorktown

Oct 1781


was how the troops weren't re-enlisting even though they already had a short enlistment being 3-6 monts. So, the main crisis was that they didn't know who would fight in the war.

Oct 1777

Battle of Saratoga


Timeline: American Revolution

Treaty of Paris, 1783

Impact of The Crisis:

"The Crisis"

Dec 1776

Significance of the Battle of Saratoga:

Significance of Valley Forge:

Significance of the Battle of Yorktown:

Explain what America gains:

The battle of saratoga was the turning point of the revolution. It also helped prsuade the French to recognize American independence and to openly provide millitary assistance.

The battle of Yorktown was a significant win for the Americans giving them their independence from England. The victory of the battle also led to the peace negotiations that ended the war in 1783 and gave the Americans it's independence.

The Americans gained new found lands fishing rights. They also gained the British achknowledgement that the uAmericans were independent and peaceful withdral of British forces.

The site of the 1777-78 winter encampment of the Continental Army under General George Washington.