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Stylistics Classification of English Vocabulary

ESC-302 Bazargali Aigerim




In the fascinating world of stylistics, we explore how words and phrases are used to create different effects and convey messages in various contexts. One intriguing aspect is the classification of English vocabulary, which helps us understand how language can be stylishly wielded. Here are some key categories:

Here are some key categories:

Formal vs. Informal Vocabulary:

Formal: "The President delivered a comprehensive address regarding international diplomacy."Informal: "The President gave a big speech about dealing with other countries."

Technical and Specialized Vocabulary:

Colloquial: "I ain't gonna make it to the party, sorry!" Slang: "I can't make it to the shindig, my bad!"

Archaisms and Obsolete Vocabulary:

Archaisms: "Thou art cordially invited to the royal banquet." Obsolete: "Ye are heartily asked to the king's feast."

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Archaisms and Obsolete Vocabulary:

Archaisms: "Thou art cordially invited to the royal banquet." Obsolete: "Ye are heartily asked to the king's feast."

Figurative Language and Literary Devices:

Figurative Language: "Her smile was as bright as the morning sun." Literary Device (Metaphor): "His anger was a volcano ready to erupt."

Cultural and Regional Variations:

Cultural: "In Japan, the concept of 'wa' emphasizes harmony and balance." Regional: "In the American South, 'y'all' is commonly used as a second-person plural pronoun."

By understanding these classifications, we gain insight into the art of language and how it's used effectively in different situations. In conclusion, the stylistic classification of English vocabulary encompasses a wide spectrum of linguistic choices, each serving a distinct purpose in communication.

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