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The Axolot 
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The Axolot

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Are axolotles gods of creation?



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Are they endangered?Why?





Here we got a foto of xolotl the aztec god


The axolotl is a carnivorous amphibian that can grow up to 12 inches.The weight of this animal can reach 2.11 to 8 ounces, size relative to a teacup.As the lengend sais the axolotl is a god, they sacrifice a salamander and this salamander becomes a axolotl.


Less than 1000

Axolotl Habitat




This carnivorous animal eats a mixture of insect larvae (scuh as mosquitoes) worms, snails and other mollusk, tadpoles, and small fish in the wild.Their diet appears to be particulary heavy in worms, but they're not exactly kinds of food that consume.

Axolotls have cilindrycal bodies, short legs, a relatively long tail and feathery external gills.The axolotls have four toes on the front feet and five toes on the back feet.Most of them are black or mottled brown but also we have some with white skin and pink and red gills, the gills that they have on they heads are for breathing.

Axolotl Apeareance

The axolotl is an animal that is endangered because the gradual destruccion of his habitat:The humedal of Xochimilco.His conservation is important because of the vincule with the mexicans, not only in biologic termins, also cultural termins are so impotant.

Are they endangered?

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The predators of the axolotls are usually birds but can also be other fisshes like carp and tilapia.This predators take advange of axolotls because they are inveretebrate, so they are so easy to hunt.





Natural Predators

This is a tadpole of axolotl

Unlike other salamnders that undergo metamorphosis, axolotls never outgrow their larval, juvenile stage, a phenomenon called neoteny. This means it maintains its padpole-shaped dorsal fin, wich extends almost the entire lenght of his body, and its feathery external gills, wich protude from the back of its broad head.Their juvenile features include feathery gills that sprout from their heads like a mane, webbet feat, a dorsal fin that runs the lenght of their body, and a tail


To begin thinking about how to accomplish human limb, the scientist have take note of animals that alredy show this ability.A prime example of this is the axolotl that can regenerate his limbs and spine, and its believed that they can regenerate they heads and hearts, this is why we called them THE GODS OF CREATION.

Can axolotles regenerate?

The Team

Andrea Mijares

Walid Azkak

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