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Cross-Curricular Collaboration for Improving Students' Financial Literacy Skills Using Games

European Program

Erasmus +

financial literacy

training material

best practices




Follow the link to check the project's events throughout the years.


During the project, newsletters with up-to-date news and upcoming activities have been created.


EU project Fingo supports teachers by providing training materials, experience and expertise in cross-curricular and interdisciplinary teaching gamification and real base simulation techniques.

About the project:


Understanding Insurance, Risk management & Retirement Plans

Credits, debt management and borrowing

Financial Freedom & Investing

Managing the money

Saving, Banking & Spending

Earning, Income, and Careers

Introduction: What is Money?

financial literacy


”Financial Literacy Skills using games”

+ info

training material

The curriculum aims to enhance financial literacy among high school students with hearing impairment, as well as students at risk of social exclusion. It proposes innovative and creative methods and tools to help them develop knowledge about the financial environment, promote social integration, and increase awareness about financial literacy in mixed schools.

Financial Literacy Skills Using Games for Special Needs Students-training materials

  • Lithuanian
  • Turkish
  • Spanish
  • Greek
  • Italian
  • Romanian


best practices

  • English

Best Practices and Stories Collection of Successful Personal Financial Management for Special Needs Students

Pilot Testing Exhibition Videos:


Guidelines for financial and entrepreneurial skills workshops and exhibitions based on real case simulation techniques for special needs students

“I am a financially successful person”

Disclaimer: The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


Check the project results for accessible, motivational and game based ideas and exercises on the topic of financial literacy.Many thanks to all the partners, collaborators and activities participants for all their work that led to the final results. All the results are intended to be freely accessible to anyone interested in the topic and have a strong educational & motivational character.


“FINGO: 2021-2023”

Erasmus+ project FINGOPilot Testing - Cyprus - Citizens in Power E-Commerce Start Up

EU project Fingo supports teachers by providing training materials, experience and expertise in cross-curricular and interdisciplinary teaching gamification and real-base simulation techniques. It focuses on financial literacy knowledge and skills and is particularly addressed to students with hearing impairments, disabilities or other social exclusion.

Erasmus+ project FINGOCoffee Shop startupPilot Testing - Romania - Associate Demetrius

Best Practices and Stories Collection of Successful Personal Financial Management for Special Needs Students” is a book elaborated by partners’ experts that contains best practices and commented stories of successful personal financial management for special needs students. The successful stories have been identified in media, social media among world personalities, typical persons, with hearing impairments or other disabilities or collected from financial literacy workshops/interviews with students/graduated. Each partner elaborated 3 best practices or stories of successful personal financial management involving typical and special needs persons and presented them in a visually attractive, creative manner. Students have been involved in gathering this collection of 21 best practices or stories. The material has a strong motivational and educational role for the readers.

Erasmus+ project FINGOOrganization of EventsPilot Testing - Lithuania - TKND

Erasmus+ project FINGOWeb Application Pilot Testing - Spain - DomSpain

Erasmus+ project FINGOPhone Case Start-Up Pilot Testing - Italy - IST

Erasmus+ project FINGO Pilot Testing - Romania - LTSVP, Iași Crearea unei afaceri în șase pași - Startup Patiserie Creating a bussines in six steps - Pastry Startup


The methodology is designed to offer methods in order to teach and learn financial literacy skills in an innovative and creative way.This methodology is for groups of high school students with hearing impairments, but also for mixed groups. Such activities include drama, drawing, creative writing, dance, games, role-playing and handicraft activities.It is designed for face-to-face training with a trainer, as well as for self-directed study.

The main target groups for local activities were teachers and students, including students with fewer opportunities.

The main participants of the project activities were the staff members of partners' organizations, teachers and students who work in high schools, vocational schools, and educational organizations on daily basis and confront the need of improving financial literacy and entrepreneurship skills.

Erasmus+ project FINGOBooks Vending MachinePilot Testing - Turkey - KONYA

  • Raise awareness of the benefits of financial literacy knowledge and skills for students.
  • Raise awareness, increase competence and equip educators by providing them with creative, effective, cross-curricular, game-based methodology in financial literacy skills consisting of a training package
Presentation of the project:

FINGO project promotes cross-curricular and interdisciplinary collaboration in the field of school education focusing on the topic of financial literacy knowledge and skills.