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kids that have access to a basic education888.000.000
kids that do not have access to a basic education262.000.000
kids that recibe a private education350.000.000
Chart data table
  • Apart from that, poor kids have to deal with the lack of most of this products:
Irene Lima Pérez  3ºD
  • Kids in the world that do not assist to school:
  • One in three girls in poor countries have never assisted to school
Kids that have access to a basic education (1.500.000.000)
Kids that do not have access to a basic education (262.000.000 kids)
Kids that have access to a private education (350.000.000)
  • Listado de puntos
  • Listado de puntos
North Africa -37%
North Africa -34%
Oriental Asia and Oceania -13%
Northen Africa and United Arab States -7%
Central Europe -3%
North and Central America and Central Asia -2%
North Africa -37%37%
North Africa -34%34%
Oriental Asia and Oceania -13%13%
Northen Africa and United Arab States -7%7%
Central Europe -3%3%
North and Central America and Central Asia -2%2%
Chart data table
  • The mayority of the kids that live in poor contries can not afford to go to a school and recive education
Education in poor countries
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Education in poor countries

Kids that have access to a private education (350.000.000)

Kids that do not have access to a basic education (262.000.000 kids)

Kids that have access to a basic education (1.500.000.000)

  • Apart from that, poor kids have to deal with the lack of most of this products:
Irene Lima Pérez 3ºD
  • Kids in the world that do not assist to school:
  • One in three girls in poor countries have never assisted to school
  • Listado de puntos
  • Listado de puntos
  • The mayority of the kids that live in poor contries can not afford to go to a school and recive education