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Symbolische Gewalt

Psychische Gewalt

Ökonomische Gewalt



gewalt gegen frauen

die gewalt, die man nicht sieht

InternationaleR Tag zur Beseitigung von Gewalt gegen Frauen


Violencia digital

Violencia simbólica

Violencia y acoso sexual






La violence symbolique

La violence psychologique

La violence économique


Les violences qu'on ne voit pas

la violence numérique

Journée mondiale contre les violences faites aux femmes

Violence against women

Economic and patrimonial violence


Psychological violence

the violence we don't see

words against violence

International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women



Violência física

violência moral

violência patrimonial

Violência psicológica


A violência que não se vê

palavras contra a violência

Dia Internacional pela Eliminação da Violência Contra as Mulheres

No permitir trabajar es violencia económica.

Violencia económica

Impedir trabajar a las mujeres es violencia.

La pareja que controla el dinero es un ejemplo de violencia económica.

A1 A y B

Si te grita, es violencia psicológica.

Violencia psicológica

Él insulta a ella. Eso es violencia psicológica.

Si te mira el móvil, es violencia psicológica.

Respetar al otro es respetarte a ti mismo. La pareja tiene el deber de hablar para evitar cualquier tipo de violencia.

A1 A y B


Gewalt gegen Frauen ist unabhängig von Nationalität und Alter. Es handelt sich um eine Verletzung der Menschenrechte und kein individuelles Problem. In Spanien hat jede dritte Frau im Alter von 16 bis 80 Jahren in ihrem Leben mindestens einmal Gewalt durch einen Beziehungspartner erlebt. Wenn du eine Situation mit Gewalt miterlebst, ruf sofort die Polizei an. (B2.2)


A violência moral é uma conduta na que o homem calúnia ou difama à mulher. Ex. Acusa a mulher de traição ou é vítima de xingamentos. Às vezes, o homem faz críticas falsas dela ou expõe a vida íntima dela, partilhando imagens ou notícias nas redes sociais. O homem também pode desvalorizar a mulher pero seu modo de vestir. A mulher devia procurar ajuda ou denunciar quando recebe o primeiro sinal de perigo. (B1)

Violência moral

Podíamos definir a violência moral como os atos de calúnia, difamação e injúrias que o agressor faz à vítima.Ex. Os gritos, as más opiniões, a humilhação. Dizer que as refeições que ela fez são ruins. Gritar a toda hora. O que pode ser feito: Sempre falar com a família e amigos. Manter um autoconceito bom, ter clareza sobre o fato de ninguém ter direito a maltratá-la. (B2.1)

Have you ever thought about human trafficking? Did you know that every year millions of women and children are exploited worldwide? Victims might become easy targets due to vulnerable situations such as political instability, natural disasters, emotional states or lack of supporting people. TRY TO IDENTIFY VICTIMS AND REPORT IT! (CAPE B2)

human trafficking

Ce type de violence n’est ni plus ni moins que la violence faite aux femmes qu’on a toujours eue, mais dans un nouveau milieu. L’anonymat des réseaux sociaux donne aux gens un faux sentiment de courage pour être méchants et sexistes. Les insultes, les photos à contenu sexuel partagées avec d’autres personnes, modifiées avec l’intelligence artificielle et/ou publiées sur les réseaux sociaux sont aussi de la violence qu’il faut punir. (B2.1)

La violence numérique

Violence against women continues to plague Europe, affecting females of all ages, backgrounds, and socioeconomic statuses. As a young feminist, I am deeply concerned about the statistics that show one in three women in the European Union experiencing physical and/or sexual violence since the age of 15. These alarming figures emphasize the urgency to end this cycle of violence.Even in Spain, a country known for its progressiveness, gender-based violence remains a pressing issue. It saddens me to learn that over 79,000 reports of gender-based violence were filed in 2020 alone, with 45 femicides occurring. These numbers highlight the urgent need for stronger actions and greater awareness within our society. (C1.1)

Violence against women

This is a fragment of the text, to read the full version, click here

It is any intentional conduct that impairs another person’s psychological integrity through coercion or threats or any seriously emotional damage. Furthermore, here is a summary of the most important relevant points of this type of violence: First of all, emotional violence is suffered when someone is called insulting names or is being humiliated. On the other hand, it also implies to disqualify any individual in, for example, their job or dismissing the person in any other situation. In relation to psychological violence, it also means that someone isolates the other person, like when they drag you out of your friends or relatives. Moreover, there are other types, for example, when they make a jealous scene or they are watching you all the time. All in all, this kind of violence can express itself in so many ways. But we can take into consideration the ones summarised above. (B2.2)

Psychological violence

Golpear a una mujer es violencia física.

Violencia física

Arrojar algo a una mujer es violencia física.

Si te pega, llama a la policía o busca ayuda.

Gritar a tu mujer es violencia física.

La mujer gritó muy fuerte cuando el hombre le golpeó con un martillo (ejemplo de violencia física).

No pegar a las personas. Es una falta de respeto. Es violencia física.

A1 A y B

É a conduta que pode fazer dano corporal à mulher e a sua saúde. Ex. Sacudir, apertar os braços, espancamentos, lesões, estrangulamentos, ferimentos por queimaduras, tortura, etc. O que pode ser feito:Se for vítima: Ligar a polícia, procurar apoio em familiares e amigos e ajuda médica (psicológica) Prevenção: Aperceber-se de condutas agressivas e violentas para não as tolerar. (B1)

Violência física

Definição: São condutas que causam danos emocionais e visam controlar as ações delas. Ex. Nos últimos anos nas escolas secundárias percebem-se muitos casos de violência psicológica entre as raparigas por volta dos quinze anos. Os namorados delas têm vigilância constante das redes sociais delas. Isolar as vítimas das amigas delas ou dos pais. Dicas para os pais: Vigie o comportamento delas, detectar mudanças no estado emocional delas. (B1)

Violência psicológica

Quando em agressor manipula uma vítima para que questione a própria sanidade ou inteligência. Ex. Manipular e distorcer a realidade. Falar uma coisa num princípio, e depois dizer que não falou tal coisa, que foi outra. Xingamentos ou chamar de louca. Atacar a autoestima da mulher, ridiculizar, chantagem.O que pode ser feito: Conhecer as dinâmicas violentas para poder preveni-las. Mais educação nas escolas e educação superior. Mais leis que protejam às vítimas. Mais conscientização da sociedade em geral. Que não haja ninguém que negue a violência de género. Maior apoio da sociedade. (B2.1)


A2 semi

Today, I want to talk about psychological violence. According to the [source], more than one in three women experience gender-based violence, often leading to problems such as depression during their lifetime. Among all types of gender-based violence (GBV), I would like to highlight psychological abuse. It is perhaps the most difficult to recognize because we tend to normalize certain aspects of it. Women tend to feel that someone is trying to control their every move, insulting and humiliating them, damaging their self-esteem. It is crucial to understand that when someone encroaches on our independence, it becomes crystal clear that we are victims of this social scourge. In this case, we must assume as soon as possible that we are in a toxic relationship and report the situation to seek help and find the right support. It's important to note that help is at our fingertips when we come across these circumstances. Despite the overwhelming moments we may have experienced at some point in our lives, there are currently many associations where we can find legal advice and protection. (G. C. S., C1.2)

Psychological violence

La violence symbolique se produit sous le poids des stéréotypes, des normes limitantes de la société. Ce type de violence arrive quand les femmes sont forcées à se conduire selon les attentes que le machisme a dictées pour elles : dans le rôle d’éternelle femme au foyer, dans un type de beauté précis qu’on peut voir dans la publicité, dans les manières de parler, dans leurs carrières professionnelles… Ce sont les règles non écrites imposées aux femmes par le groupe dominant, dans ce cas, par la structure patriarcale. (B2.1)

La violence symbolique

Violencia y acoso sexual

Silbar a alguien también es violencia.

Mandar/Enviar fotos explícitas sin consentimiento es violencia sexual.

A1 A y B

C’est une véritable agression physique. Un homme cogne et blesse sa femme ou son ex-femme. Une agression avec des coups de poing, des gifles et des insultes de tout genre. Obliger sa femme à prendre de la drogue ou de l’alcool est aussi considéré une agression physique. (B1)

La violence physique

Today, I would like to talk about gender-based economic violence. Gender-based economic violence is the act of behavior that causes economic harm to an individual, especially women. It can manifest in various forms, such as property management, access to financial resources, education, or the labor market. The primary issue is that it tends to intimidate partners, particularly women, and restricts their control over economic aspects. This can lead women to depend entirely on their partners, limiting their ability to make independent decisions. (...) (M. G. B. G. M., C1.2)

Economic violence

This is a fragment of the text, to read the full version, click here

Violencia simbólica

El hombre que no respeta a la mujer es un ejemplo de violencia simbólica.

A1 A y B


Emotional violence and dependence is a way of behaviour where people create a big necessity of being with a person to get support and validation. Emotional violence entails a deterioration of self-esteem, non-equal relationships and lack of emotional independence, happiness and safety, as well as stress and anxiety, vulnerability in toxic relationships, social isolation, abandonment issues and a limitation of self-growth. Unfortunately, people often suffer from emotional violence due to either the feeling of safety and company, or the constant fear of abandonment and what the other person may or not do about it. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Gender-based violence starts and ends with you. (B2.2)

Psychological violence

C’est un type de violence faite aux femmes qu’on ne voit pas toujours mais qui est toujours là. Les insultes, les mots qui détruisent la confiance et l’estime de soi des femmes, le « gaslighting » et la dépendance émotionnelle peuvent te faire sentir aussi comme un sac de frappe, même si tu n’as pas de bleus. (B2.1)

La violence psychologique

« Mon mari m'a dit que je suis grosse, il m'a dit que je ne suis pas capable de travailler parce que je suis maladroite... C'est vrai ! Je n'arrive pas à faire bien les choses. C'est mieux que je reste à la maison pour faire les tâches ménagères. Hier, je suis allée rendre visite à ma mère et il m'a critiquée parce qu'il pense que je n'ai pas besoin de voir ma famille. Je voudrais aller en cours pour étudier et chercher du travail, mais je ne le ferai pas parce que je ne vais pas réussir aux examens. Je ne sais pas si je pourrais le faire sans le lui dire... ». (B1)

La violence domestique se réfère à faire ou essayer de faire que l'autre personne dépende économiquement de lui ou d'elle. Pour cela, la personne qui l'exerce, généralement l'homme, contrôle les comptes bancaires afin que sa conjointe ne puisse jamais avoir de l'argent. C'est aussi l'empêcher de travailler ou d'étudier. (B1)

La violence économique

É aquela na que o agressor tenta controlar os bens (materiais), económicos, etc.) da pessoa agredida.Ex. Há homens que deixam de pagar a pensão alimentícia ou quebram objetos pessoais da mulher. A melhor dica é a de ir à procura de apoio na família, nos amigos, nos vizinhos e, com certeza nas autoridades competentes. Também é aconselhável, procurar apoio psicológicos em associações destinadas ao efeito. (B1)

Violência patrimonial

Qualquer conduta que configure retenção, subtração, destruição parcial ou total de instrumentos de trabalho ou recursos.Ex. Quando a mulher quer trabalhar ou estudar e o agressor não permite.Quando a mulher precisa do carro e o agressor diz que só há combustível para uma pessoa (ele).O que pode ser feito:Ajudas financeiras à independência económica das mulheres que o precisarem. (B2.1)

For many centuries, women have been relegated to a lower status than men in numerous societies. Unfortunately, major faiths like Islam and Catholicism have played a role in perpetuating this incorrect notion, often portraying women as property of men. It appears that this historical inequality is at the core of violence against women.Presently, various organizations are dedicated to eradicating all forms of violence against women. This mission is undeniably challenging, requiring collective efforts from all of us.A world in which women and men share equal rights, opportunities, and responsibilities will undoubtedly be a more harmonious place for peace. (V. L., C1.1)

Violence against women

Nowadays we suffer many types of violence and we should know how to identify them. One of the most common types is patrimonial and economic violence. If you feel that your husband or your wife hides you information about money, properties or forbids you to get a job to minimize your economic capacity, it is very likely that you are suffering patrimonial and economic violences. In this case, you should look for help to learn how you could change this situation because many times we aren’t conscious since this type of violence is the result of our traditions. So in the first place we should try to identify it and try to solve it with our partner. This way, we could change the future of our society. (B2.2)

Economic and patrimonial violence

When it comes to sexual violence, we must be aware that it’s quite commont to think that women are only in the world for sex and maternity, but men have to get that women are the owners of their bodies. Actually, these are only good words. Some men are always asking their rights about sex, or asking for sexual practice, although women don’t want to or even she dislikes. . On the other hand, there are also dangerous practices such as sex without the use of protection, but the worst violence is to force to have sex with another person. Everything that women don’t want to do with their body and sexual activity must be considered violence. (B2.2)

Sexual violence

Nowadays, we live in an insane world, without moral and ethical codes and related to it is the gender physical violence, which is a proof of it. Physical violence is evidence of non equality by some people. Kicking, smacking, pushing or hitting are inappropriate attitudes and are illegal situations categorised in our penal code, and each other is a crime which is punished and pursued by the law. Summing up, this physical behaviour is linked with other sorts of violence such as symbolic, economic, sexual, and must be reported by the authorities. (B2.2)

Physical violence

Currently, different types of violence are produced every day in our society, however not all is valued as it. Regarding the infographic, obviously, one of these types of violence is symbolic violence, which is produced for instance when in ads women are normally shown as a mother or housewife. On the other hand, if men are forced to obtain money to maintain themselves or their family, it is violence too. Besides, showing men or women as sexual objects, logically, it’s another type of symbolic violence. (B2.2)

Symbolic violence

I’m going to talk about symbolic violence. This means that women suffer harassment due to the roles and stereotypes of the society. One of the examples is the publicity, which portrays women like a housewife instead of a worker woman. The second point that I’m going to analyze is the importance of women in the house economy, that nowadays it’s not given the importance that it has. To end, the last point to mention is that the woman sometimes is treated as a sexual object. (B2.2)

Symbolic violence