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Presentationabout ICT

Chiara and Mariana

By Ghanaian Chronicle1 December 2022The title: DCE present computers to ASHTEC

The first article:


The title: The young women using digital tech to achieve financial freedomBy Daily Nation Kenya 28 August 2023

The second article:


=)To promote teaching and learning of ICT


=)From Maurice Jonas Woods. The DCE for AKrofuom in Ghana (Africa).=)They had accessed the computers from LABDOO

By: For:


DCE present computers to ASHTEC

=)28004 computers to 2424 schools in 146 countries have been give. =)Concequences:The DDL asked/begged to help the school to have air conditioners for the ICT and a TV for the students.

=)A donation of 16 computers including 11 desktop and 5 laptops to the ASHTEC.

The first article

=)Aisha Abdukalir( confounder of a community based tech organisation that equipes girls )

=) Valerie Awjang ( an instructor of ICT programmes at Amase Technical Institute

=)Elizabeth Wambita ( a former university student

=)Two women who used technology to achieved things and want children from their country to learn how to do it as well.

=)To help children on how to use technology and promoting ICT as a topic






The young women using digital tech to achieve financiel freedom

Euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci tation ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in vulputate velit esse molestie

=)Aording to UN Women, 3.7 billion people globally have no access to the internet. =) Kenya its important for them to teach about ICT because it could achieve the country devlopment goals including poverty reduction, economic growth and improved healthcare, education outocomes.

The second article

By including computers in schools

Upgrade the way of learning in schools with technology

But what they have in common?

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