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English Writings
Teresa Nogueras
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English Writings

Teresa Nogueras

When/ while/ as

My childhood

My presentacion

Have ypu ever?


Palm map


Living in a city or in a town

I'm a millonaire



My presentacion

My name is Teresa. I'm 13 years old, I was born on September 15th, 2010 and I live in Barcelona. I live with my parents and my older brother, Ramon, who is 15 years old. When I was 7 years old, I broke a tooth. My hair is long, black, and curly, and I have brown eyes. In my free time, I skate on Tuesdays and Fridays, French on Wednesdays, and English on Mondays. My favourite subject is history and geography. I love political geography. I like reading biographies, my favourite book is the biography of Malala. I love fruit, and my favorite fruits are coco, mango, and pineapple. I love sleeping the nap. My favourite series is Grey's anatomy and my favourite movie is Legally Blonde. I hate the subject of music and the "ensaladilla rusa". I don't like going to the cinema because I always sleep.

I used to go to my grandparents house all the mondays' and the others days come for the nany to pick up to school. My mum didn't use to pick up to school.My mom arrived at eight p.m. at home, and my dad arrived at eight p.m. half past eight.When I was 1 year old, I did my first travel, I went to Naples with my parents and my brother. All my childhood I had a rule, If I didn't do the homework, I didn't watch TV. When I was 4 years old, I used to go swimming every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I did it until I was 10. I had a problem with my ears, so I had to leave it, even though I loved it. Although I loved it, I didn't miss it because I actually do skaiting. With 5 years old I made my first travel outside Europe, I went to Colombia. The travel was really tired, because we had 2 layover.

I was born in 2010. I born the 15th of September in Corachan hospital.

My childhood

While my brother was playing chess I broke a tooth because I fell with a

When/ while/ as

Laia is a person who doesn't have a lot of line in the hands, rather it has a few lines. She only has 5 lines. The life line of Laia indicates that she will be a healthy and lucky person. This affirmation I think is false because Laia told me that she was an unlucky person. The heart line said that she will be a very passionate person but now she is already a pasionate person. The headline said that is a creativity persona (is it fails) and a person with a lot of imagination (this is true). Laia doesn't have Fate Line and this mind that she will be a patient in the future. In the marriage line, the palm map said that in a future she would have a boyfriend (or two because there is more than one line). Of the other lines there isn't information because she doesn't have the lines.

Laia's palm

I think that there are things that the numerology says are true, but there are also parts that are false. The false information: - The numerology said that when I have an objective I don't get involved, but that's false because when I have an objective I don't stop until I get it. - Also said that I have a lot of friends and that I am popular person but I don't have a best friend, but that's false because I have two best friends and I don't think that I am a popular person. The true information:- - One thing that is true is that I am a lazy person, I love to stay at home and do nothing. - Also is true that sometimes I said things that I think can't hurt anyone but can make people feel sad.


I'm going to buy 4 different houses because I want one at each season. - One in Lago Ranco, a very beautifull lake in Chile for the autumn. - An other is a private island in Polinesia for the summer. - For the spring I am going to live in a beautiful house in a remount place in Japan. - And the house of the winter is going to be in the Swiss Alps. I'm going to retire to my parents and buy them a big flat in Barcelona and a dog to my mum, because they love to live in Barcelona and my mum want's a dog, she loves them. For my four houses I'm going to hire a cook, a cleaner, a gardener and a maid for each person that live in my house. And obviously I am going to hire the same for my parents house. I'm going to create a reality show very similar of Operación Triunfo but in Chile, because is my favourite reality show, the name of the reality show gone a be "Vocal Quest". I know that my brother wants to get the driving licence, so I'm going to gift him a car but I'don't know which, or a black Rolls-Royce or a black Benley, he loves the black cars.

I have a business about buy, remodel and sell houses. I started buying very small flats and now I'm already buying buildings. But I had to leave Spain because tax office want to judge me because I don't declare all my money. And now I'm living in the Cayman Islands. Now I decided to give my business to my brother because I want to retire.

I'm a millionaire

I am going to buy a yacht of ninety meters of length, because I can enjoy it and at the same time is a business because when you aren't in the yacht you can rent it and win some money weekly. I am going to taste a lot of differents restaurants of differents culture, places, categories with my family and my best friends because I love to eat and taste differents thinks. I am going to collect paintings of differents famous painters like Frida Kahlo, Picasso, Gustav Klimt, Edgar Degas etc, because I want to have a private art gallery. I am going to negotiate with Netflix to make me a documentary of how I evade tax office because I am the person of Spain that more money evade to tax office. I make a record. I am going to buy things to sleep, first a mattress of 88.000 euros which have differents options and a Ooler that is a system that is connected to your mattress which is used to cool your back when you are sleeping that costs 700 euros because is my favourite think in the word.

Livin in a town or in a city

In my opinion, I prefer to live in a city because the city is more entertaining than the town, and I am a person who likes to do a lot of different things. I know that the town is less noisy than the city, but I am very used to lisent a lot of noise, so don't bother me. I love that the cities are better connected than the towns, there are a lot of options to go to another place and chepear I think it is just as complicated for a city person to go to town as it is for a town person to go to the city, but a lot of people of the cities have houses in a town. In the city, the people are less kind than the people of the towns, but there are exceptions. The cities are the places with most traffic in the world, and the towns are the quietest places in the world. In conclusion, if you prefer to live in a quiet place, it's better to live in a town, and if you prefer to live in a place with a lot of things to do, it's better to live in a city.

Have you ever bought clothes on the internet?

Yes, she has fallen in love with a boy of the class (I.....).

Has Jana ever fallen in love with someone from the school?

Yes, Aina has bought a black jeans.

Yes, Nykoli has lied to her parents because had fale a exam but she said that she aprovate.

Have you ever lied to your parents?

Yes, she has won a hi-hop competicion.

Has Helena ever won a competicion?

Holiday experiencies

Holiday experiencies

Yes, Pablo has predicted that the barça wined the last play.

Have you fortune teller ever predicted your future?

Yes, Claudia has met to Barça football players.

Have you ever met a celebrity?

Yes, she has met a Tom Holland whe he was recording a film in Barcelona.

Has Olivia ever met a celebrity?

Yes, Marti has copied a summary of a book because we had an exam.

Have you ever copied your homework from a website?

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