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Elizabeth Money

Plc  3 Video - 9/24/23

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Elizabeth Money

Plc 3 Video - 9/24/23

L2 Motivational Self System

PLC 3 Video- Concept #1

Dornyei, 2009

-Motivation does not arise when learners identify with other speakers of the language, but with future versions of their own selves.-Learners have ideas of what they might become- thieir "possible selves"- and these function as "future self-guides" which set the standards the learner hopes to achieve.

L2 Motivational Self System


3 Components of L2 Motivational Self System

SLA Implications

1-The role of Ideal L2 Self can vary depending on the context (metropolitan vs rural) -How do these motivational constructs relate to the cognitive processes involved in L2 learning?

L2 Motivational Self System

Attribution Theory

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PLC 3 Video- Concept #2

Weiner, 1992

-Views motivation as deriving from the explanations that learners give for their progress in L2 (or lack thereof)

The factor is out of the L2 learner's control

Stable vs Unstable

Attribution Theory

The factor is within the L2 learner's control





L2 learners place the blame for learning on external factors

L2 learners explain their performance in terms of their own ability or lack thereof

outcome will likely never change regardless of effort

Outcome is a result of temporary, unstable factors



Internal vs External

Uncontrollable vs Controllable

3 Main Types of Attributions

Attribution Theory

SLA Implications

Learners typically contribute success to internal attributes, but tend to contribute failures to external attributes

Learners will be more motivated to improve if they perceive the cause of their difficulties lies within themselves rather than other people

Linguistic Coding Difference Hypothesis

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PLC 3 Video- Concept #3

Sparks, Ganschow, & Javorsky, 2000

-Success in L2 learning is primarily dependent on language aptitude. -Students that struggle with phonetics, syntax, and semantics in the L1 are more likely to struggle learning the L2

Linguistic Coding Difference Hypothesis

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SLA Implications

-Success in L2 learning is primarily dependent on language aptitude-Students' anxiety about learning L2 is a consequence of the learning difficulties they experience because of their deficits in their aptitude

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Source: SparkNotes.com

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  • Visit the Analytics settings;
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  • Let the communication flow!

Source: SparkNotes.com

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