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Narrative Text

Cristian Camilo Barrera

Genesis Edith Rincon

Edgar Felipe Cuello

Team Members

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Genesis Edith Rincon

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Hi I’m Génesis Rincón, I’m 24 years old, I currently live in Bogotá D.C., my most recent accomplishment is that I have changed my work area laboral to start from 0, I had always worked in the inventory area but I recently started working in the technical support area in a CallCenter, which I like very much, since I have been able to gain a lot of learning about software, this makes me feel I have defined the course of my career profesional even if it is only the beginning. In the person area I have had several achievements, one of them is I have cycled 300 kilometers in one day more than a physical challenge was a mental challenge because when I was in the 250 kilometers, I felt like I was about to faint but in my mind I just kept repeating to myself that it was my duty to get there. I have managed to get away from people who did not contribute anything Good to my personal development, last but not least, one of the biggest challenges in all fields, I have independented from my parents’ home.

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Genesis Edith Rincon

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In 5 years I will finish the technical support course I enrolled in at Google on support for different platforms developed by Microsoft. In 2028, I am going to have a financial fund to give my mother a more dignified life and take her to see a new place. I Will be graduating from the undergraduate program in systems engineering and maybe I Will be climbing “Alto de Letras” the highest mountain pass in Colombia with 3.677 meters above sea level, I hope to be able to do it with my brother as it would be a very nice experience and it would strengthen the bond between brothers a little more or maybe with my friends, but what I am sure of is that I want to feel that sense of victory that comes from climbing such an imposing mountain . I Will be working in the programming area, more specifically in the area of internet of things, I will créate software to optimize agricultura processes, making the cultivation process less time consuming and more efficient, descreasing physical effort and providing more profitable harvests to farmers, always trying to take care of the land and the nutritional quality of the food, My main objective is that the new generations see possibilities of progress in the countryside and not only see city as a source of opportunities.

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Genesis Edith Rincon

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In 10 years I will have helped many farmers to boost their crops, enabling them to have a better quality of life through autonomous agricultural processes, I will have bought a house in a very quiet village where I will be able to have a more serene life, where I will have planted my organic vegetable garden, where I will have a stable with my horse, where there will also be a very large space of green pasture for my future children's recreation, at the entrance there will be a beatiful garden with white and yellow flowers and plants with thorns. By this time I hope to be living in Colombia and to have already visited many of the beautiful corners of my country, especially places where indigenous people live. I will know to play piano and I will have a piano in the home to teach my children and other people who learn to play. I will take care of my mother if she requires or desires it, I will support my younger cousin to follow her dreams, I will speak English so I can visit Germany, I would only go sightseeing whenever I can to get to know their customs, food, architecture and music, I will be able to visit my mother if she requires or desires it.

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Cristian Camilo Barrera

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Hello, my name is Cristian Barrera, i am a study of systems engineer in the UNAD, I have 24 years old, I work in the system area in a company called Punto de Pago, I live in Bogota, and my current achievements are: I have buyed a motorcycle, I have gone to my work in she, I have gone to travel whit my girlfriend, and I have gone to visit my sister in Zipaquira, I have return to the study’s, because the last period I did not feel well, but my girlfriend and my family supported me, so I can study again and improve in the labors in my job, this year I have started care my nephew because my sisters is single mother, and his work stays in Zipaquira, so I go to his home and stay for a weeks caring to my nephew, this is a achievement to my because I acquired more responsibility and I toast more support and help to my family, I have compromised whit my girlfriend and we get married in April, it is a civil marriage, but I very happy to be your husband.

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Cristian Camilo Barrera

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In five years, I will finished my studies, i will be a systems engineer, and I am going to work or have a best position in my actually job, I will receive better payments so that we can going to living whit my wife in our house, and get started to save money to migrate__ a another country, maybe Canada or Australia, to live whit my wife and make a family, in five years I___ going to finish pay my motorcycle, and I will saving money to can buy a car and can travel whit my family and y dog, know more places in Colombia, and can travel more times with my family, whit my wife we planed to living in another country so, we must study much English, and save money to go to another country and start a new life, before travelling I __give my motorcycle and my guitar to my nephew, and I hope can travel whit my dog, starting in another country will be so hard and complicated to us, but is not impossible, and in a long time we can get our family going to living whit us, I worry my nephew and I wish can get ___with me and he can study and live in another country whit me.

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Cristian Camilo Barrera

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in ten years, my wife and I will live in Canada, we will live in a place not so cold, and we will have a big house that our parents, and my nephew can live whit us, we will have a two children’s and they must to study in a school, my parents will not work, and my nephew will study in a university, I will support his study economically and emotionally, and I will be his support so he can form his life, in ten years my sister should live with us in Canada, so she can help me to care my parents, and work in this country, I will have a work in some company and I will work to give everything needs my family, I will be more relaxed and I can study my favorite things, like music, gastronomy, history, etc. Maybe I will study another language, because we can travel in another country to know, visit, or maybe live, in ten years I won’t worry to emigrate to another country, or get another job, I will work and in my free times I will play music, I will make scale models, and enjoy whit my sons and my wife

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Edgar Felipe Cuello

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My name is Edgar Felipe Cuello, I am 32 years old, I am from Bogota, I have been studying computing networking for about a year and I am currently working in the area in a company named Nub7/8, I have also done a course in Next Generation Firewall with Netec, I am about to finish college and get graduated as a system engineer. One of the achievements I would like to share with you is that I have scheduled the CCNA 200-302 for next November and I feel that I have studied a lot to pass the exam, I have also worked on the networking area for about 8 months, it has been like that because I have found interest on that specific area, I know I have a lot to learn but I find the networking world really interesting, I also plan on certify myself as a CCNP and CCIE in the future.

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Edgar Felipe Cuello

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Hello everyone, one more time, my name is Edgar and I will be sharing with you my plans for the next 5 years, first of all, I will have my degree as a system engineer and I am going to finish a specialization in networking, I will also plan to learn another two languages (French and Italian) because I do believe that to learn new languages can help you increase your options, have better opportunities and have ways of communication that can help us through different scenarios in life. I am currently preparing myself for the CCNA 200-301 certification I am going to have that certification, also I am going to be certified as a CCNP within the next 5 years after getting my CCNA certification. I am going to have my own apartment and enough financial funds to help my family in different areas. I will be trying parachuting; I do believe that would be a good experience. I am going to be working as a networking architect and problem resolver since I love to fix issues related to connectivity and security breaches. I will be programming in C# at a proficiency level because I will love to create my own video games inspired by different knowledge areas that can guide others to recognize the areas they would like to do for a living.

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Edgar Felipe Cuello

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I would like to talk about the path that I will be taking in 10 years, I think that by that time I will have created several videogames that can help incentivize the youngers to learn about new topics, technologies, and areas of expertise that will help them to develop a joy for any of those areas, this is in other to guide them to find the different paths they might love to do on their future and when I mention future, I mean the professional path that they will be taking. I will have several certifications related to the technical area, such as CCNA, CCNP, CCIE, AWS, AZURE, Phyton, C#, Java, etc., this is to be well prepared and be able to provide classes related to those topics, I will love to teach on public schools and universities because I truly believe that in order to change the world, we have to change it starting by changing the type of knowledge and values we provide to the youngers. I am going to help others to find their path because I think that most of the students do not know what they will want to do, work, or study when they finish elementary school and start college.

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