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Teaching styles Lecture- the teacher does most of the talking and students will take notes. Environment: higher learning and a non-moving environment. Demonstrator- the teacher will show how to do a specific activity and skill. Environment: it’s only specific to kids who learn by seeing. Facilitator- the teacher will allow students to self-learn. Environment: Students will start to form questions and develop scientific methods of thinking. Group style- The teacher will allow students to explore and learn from peers. Environment: Inquiry based learning and exploration. Students are moving around the classroom and its very hands on.

GW. (n.d.). 10 Strategies to build on student collaboration in the classroom. https://gsehd.gwu.edu/articles/10-strategies-build-student-collaboration-classroom

 K. Daungcharone, K. Thongkoo and J. Thanyaphongphat, "Collaborative Learning-Based Flipped Classroom Approach for Enhancing Students' Motivation in System Analysis and Design Course," 2023 Joint International Conference on Digital Arts, Media and Technology with ECTI Northern Section Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Computer and Telecommunications Engineering (ECTI DAMT & NCON), Phuket, Thailand, 2023, pp. 85-89, doi: 10.1109/ECTIDAMTNCON57770.2023.10139413.
Student monitoring 
Students monitoring their own learning and goals can be done through leadership notebooks, Data wall and Reflect notebook. Motivating students to reach their goals through AR parties, classroom parties, PBIS points, and other forms of rewards.
Classroom collaboration • Small groups- select students based on assessment data to help differentiate learning. • Think pair share- Students will have the opportunity to think, turn and talk with a partner, and then share their strategies or findings with a specific problem. • Number talk (whole group)- Students can hear other students engage and work together to find solutions to a problem. • Desmos- a platform where students can work together or independently and see other students comments. Collaborative learning enables students to gain knowledge and solve problems through group discussions (Daungcharone, Thongkoo, & Thanyaphongphat 2023).
The learning environment in fully online courses is completely online, and students participate remotely. Constructionism is the theory that argues learners construct knowledge rather than passively absorbing information. Learning theory cognitivism focuses on the way in which information is acquired, organized, retrieved, and stored by the brain. Connectivism recognizes that technology can have a considerable impact on our learning process and students can retain it better using platforms like social media, videos, Behaviorism is based on the premise that all behaviors are taught via interaction with the environment
How studnets learn 
Traditional learning occurs in the classroom at a set time with students and a teacher present. If an online element is added where there may be in-person meetings, students will have access to the course online that is called blended.
Synchronous means that the learning activities happen during real-time.
Asynchronous activities or assignments can be done at any time but not at a school. Students will complete schoolwork at home at any time.

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Traditional learning occurs in the classroom at a set time with students and a teacher present. If an online element is added where there may be in-person meetings, students will have access to the course online that is called blended. Synchronous means that the learning activities happen during real-time. Asynchronous activities or assignments can be done at any time but not at a school. Students will complete schoolwork at home at any time.

How studnets learn

The learning environment in fully online courses is completely online, and students participate remotely. Constructionism is the theory that argues learners construct knowledge rather than passively absorbing information. Learning theory cognitivism focuses on the way in which information is acquired, organized, retrieved, and stored by the brain. Connectivism recognizes that technology can have a considerable impact on our learning process and students can retain it better using platforms like social media, videos, Behaviorism is based on the premise that all behaviors are taught via interaction with the environment

Classroom collaboration • Small groups- select students based on assessment data to help differentiate learning. • Think pair share- Students will have the opportunity to think, turn and talk with a partner, and then share their strategies or findings with a specific problem. • Number talk (whole group)- Students can hear other students engage and work together to find solutions to a problem. • Desmos- a platform where students can work together or independently and see other students comments. Collaborative learning enables students to gain knowledge and solve problems through group discussions (Daungcharone, Thongkoo, & Thanyaphongphat 2023).

Student monitoring Students monitoring their own learning and goals can be done through leadership notebooks, Data wall and Reflect notebook. Motivating students to reach their goals through AR parties, classroom parties, PBIS points, and other forms of rewards.

ReferencesGW. (n.d.). 10 Strategies to build on student collaboration in the classroom. https://gsehd.gwu.edu/articles/10-strategies-build-student-collaboration-classroom K. Daungcharone, K. Thongkoo and J. Thanyaphongphat, "Collaborative Learning-Based Flipped Classroom Approach for Enhancing Students' Motivation in System Analysis and Design Course," 2023 Joint International Conference on Digital Arts, Media and Technology with ECTI Northern Section Conference on Electrical, Electronics, Computer and Telecommunications Engineering (ECTI DAMT & NCON), Phuket, Thailand, 2023, pp. 85-89, doi: 10.1109/ECTIDAMTNCON57770.2023.10139413.

Teaching styles Lecture- the teacher does most of the talking and students will take notes. Environment: higher learning and a non-moving environment. Demonstrator- the teacher will show how to do a specific activity and skill. Environment: it’s only specific to kids who learn by seeing. Facilitator- the teacher will allow students to self-learn. Environment: Students will start to form questions and develop scientific methods of thinking. Group style- The teacher will allow students to explore and learn from peers. Environment: Inquiry based learning and exploration. Students are moving around the classroom and its very hands on.

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