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can we trust   the appearence?
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can we trust the appearence?


“Snow white and huntsman” 2012

“Tale Dark and Grimm” 2010

“Grimm” 2011

Dark side :

different to the original principe

serial killers and murders are present

gore and horror are in the heart of the story.

the appearance of the protagonist are often misleading

conclusion we only show what we want people to see.

the manipulator and the manipulated

Trust and Naivetenatural, inborn,Mistrust

Lack of Experienceyoung, inexperienced

Appearancefriendly and familiar

manipulation techniques

double-dealing / game pretend to be someone compassionateSeduction: have blind trust in his manipulatortEmotional Manipulationtemptation


Gretel: was naive, weak and desesperate

understood her mistake which allows her to grow

Grimm: accept his self/new life

snow white :she learned to fight and became a warrior


-stories have a dark side -the author use different processes :murder/ serial killers/violence /appearance villains misleading-can be easily manipulated + desespareted. villains can become good?

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