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Let's Go All In!
Ai: Artificial Intelligence?
Age of Intelligence?
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Whatever...Let's Go All In!

Ai: Artificial Intelligence? Age of Intelligence?

Use the QR Code provided to respond to the prompt Having Trouble? Go to menti.com and use the code 3513 3220

What are your thoughts?

One of Us

4. Discuss the value of the learning process vs. a final product

3. Discuss best practices for using A.I. in the classroom

2. Clarify myths and misconceptions about A.I.

1. Explore A.I. and its emerging presence in education

session goals

A Closer Look

Everyday A.I.

Artificial intelligence can be defined as, the simulation of human intelligence processes by machines, specifically computers.

Source: AI in education: top applications, real-life examples, and adoption tips by Viktoriya Shamkina




A.I. in Education

  • VR/Simulators
  • Tutoring/Instruction
    • IXL
    • ALEKS
  • ChatGPT/Bard
  • Automated grading
  • Turnitin
  • Captioning in Studio
  • Dropout Detective

A.I. at Hinds

What we ALREADY do:

Forming an Alliance

"We envision a technology-enhanced future more like an electric bike and less like robot vacuums. On an electric bike, the human is fully aware and fully in control, but their burden is less, and their effort is multiplied by a complementary technological enhancement."

Source: AI and the Future of Teaching and Learning by US Dept. of Education- Office of Educational Technology

  • Be Transparent
  • Encourage student choice and creativity
  • Utilize On-demand Assignments
  • Increase collaboration
  • Follow-up verbally
  • Require specific references or info to be used
  • Panic
  • Make broad, sweeping statements/policies
  • Rely solely on detection tools
  • Jump to conclusions



Getting Started

An Evolving Mindset






Using A.I. To support your Objectives

  • Annotated Bibliography, but students compare an A.I. generated article vs. one of their peer reviewed resources.
    • Is the A.I. source reputable, accurate, and balanced?
    • Does the source provide evidence or data to support the argument?
  • Rough Draft, allowing A.I. to create the draft based on the same topic the student will be reviewing in their essay. Students will compare, critique, and discuss their reflections.
    • What is the thesis? How would you improve it?
    • How are the two essays the same? Different?
    • How does your writer's voice differ from the A.I. generated essay?
  • Conference with Instructor
  • Final Draft



A.I. Writing Tools


101 Creative Ideas to use A.I. in Education

What are your Questions?

Use the QR Code provided to respond to the prompt Having Trouble? Go to menti.com and use the code 1919 5328

Instructional Design Specialist

Patrice Williams

Instructional Design Coordinator

Leah Stanford

Contact The Design team!

PDI Survey

Select "Technology Training" for question #1


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