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we have chosen an option

We think of possible solutions

We detect the problem.

1: problem

We test our project and we check if the result is positive or negative.

8: check

Project approach

We write the report of our result.

We present our final result.

10: report

9: presentation and assessment

Here, we give shape to our idea and we make sure that its all ready to put it in practice.

7: building

We consider time, materials, and plan our pryect more especificly than before.

6: planing

Lastly, we will see if we are succesfull in whichi case we will present aur project.


Then, we start building our project and we make sure there isn´t any mistakes in the design proces.


Second, we prepare how and when we are going to do the project.


First of all we must detect the problem to know what we need to do.


We investigate about the problem.

2: investigation

4: chosen solution

3: Possible solutions

We desing how we want our projecto to look / woork to obtain the result.

5: design

The project approach is a method to deal and resolv problems of our day to day.

Building a fying machine

Humans can dominate earth and sea since many years ago but the las terrain that humans conquered was the sky, something that looked impossible for humans to do until 1903 when Orville Wright create the first flyiing machine.

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