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Identity Project
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Identity Project

What is



  • In pairs or groups (maximum of 4 people), you are going to create your own video about the meaning of "identity".
  • The video must be accompanied by a short commentary, explaining your choices and why you did what you did.
  • You can be as creative as you like, there is no right or wrong way to do this assignment. Just be ready to justify your decisions.
  • You will have 2-3 sessions to prepare before presenting your work.

Assessment - 12.5%

For an explanation of each criterion, go to page xvii in the textbook!!

Useful language

Vocabulary List pg.3

Identity crisis - confusion about one's sense of self.

Identity politics - The ways one's political views are informed by their identity e.g., race, gender, age, and class.

A lone wolf

A wallflower

A social butterfly

A smart cookie

A tough cookie

A mover and a shaker

A go-getter

A party animal

A fish out of water

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