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Created on September 14, 2023
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Raúl Bernal Guardia
I have sibblings?
I have moved?
Why my name is that?
Yes,I have two sisters. Alba is 20 years old and Maria is 22 years old, they are very important to me and spending time with them makes it go by faster and is fun.
No,I never move home and I don't want to move here, I have my friends and I'm happy here.
My name is Raúl because the striker and captain of Real Madrid C.F in this moment is Raúl Gonzalez and my dad decided to give me his name.
Personal Information
How would I describe my family?
I have pets?
For me my family are perfect, because with them I am happy and for me they are all perfect, I would not change them for anything.
Yes,I have two cats. Sully is the male and Luna is the female, they are persian and are siblings.They like to play at night and sleep every day.
Personal Information
This last summer I saved a woman who was drowning in the sea and jumped in for her with my friends.
When I was kid I really liked play football, spent time with my friends in the park and went to the camping.
Something that happened to me during the last holidays
3 things I really liked when I was a kid
An Image About Me
My top music artists are Quevedo and Mora. Quevedo because I like the rhythm of his music and the lyrics of his songs. I have also followed him since he started and I have seen his progress, so he is an example of effort and improvement. Mora because he is the best artist of the genre and all his songs are great, they have a good rhythm and lyrics that make you want to do everything.
My top music artists
My favorite traditional celebration is Christmas because there is a very good ambience and you spend much more time with your family.
My favorite traditional celebration
People like me because I’m funny, interesting and animated.
Why do people like me?
If you come to Catalonia you should try to make the castellers, it is very typical in Catalonia and it is a tradition that it is done on important festivals.
If you come to Catalonia you should try...
My favorite restaurant is Padrino in Torre de Embarra, it is an Italian restaurant and they make all kinds of pasta in large quantities.
My favourite restaurante
The perfect food for my birthday would be a paella and a cheesecake for dessert.
The perfect meal for my birthday
If I could travel anywhere, I would go to the United States to visit the mythical places from the movies and visit Hollywood.
Where would I go if I could travel?
A book that I would not recommend is Calpurnia Tate, it is very open and nothing happens in the entire story.
A book I wouldn’t recommend
My exclusive story about school is when on the end of sixth year trip a teacher threatened to put our heads in the ground as if we were flamingos.
My exclusive story about school
Fran from the jungle because it was funny, entertaining and you learned things you didn't know about animals
If you had to watch a TV show again, which one would you choose?
The best thing about my bedroom is my bed, I love sleeping and I am always lying in it.
The best of my bedroom
What I like about the city is the beach because in summer we can go swimming and not be hot. You can walk, by bike, by bus, by car and more ways
What I like about my town
I like my nose because it is a little small and has a pretty nice shape for my taste.
Something I like about my body
In my free time you will find me on the football field, on the street with my friends and in my house. I'll be playing footbal, tossing and sleeping.
In my free time, where can you find me? And what will I be doing?
If I were a participant in the Olympic Games, I would be a soccer player because it is the sport I practice and getting a gold medal with your country is the dream of any athlete.
If I were a participant in the Olympic Games, what sport would I do?
To a desert island I would take a lot of food and water to survive and a soccer ball so I wouldn't get bored.
What would I take to a deserted island?
I will be studying, working and partying in many places
3 Things I will be doing in five years
My favorite item of clothing is my black sneakers because I love the color black and they are very big and my favorite clothing store is JD because it has all the types of clothing that I like.
My favorite item and clothing store
My favorite season is summer because I meet up with my friends at the campsite and we do what we want for 3 months without going to school.
My favourite season
A song to dance to would be Bzrp Music Sessions, Vol. 52. Quevedo's best-known song and you can be dancing to it from beginning to end.
A song to dance
I wish my teacher knew that I don't like doing homework and exams.
I wish my teacher knew