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It was not a street anymore but a world, a time and space of falling ash and near night. He was walking north through rubble and mud and there were people running past holding towels to their faces or jackets over their heads. They had handkerchiefs pressed to their mouths. They had shoes in their hands, a woman with a shoe in each hand, running past him. They ran and fell, some of them, confused and ungainly, with debris coming down around them, and there were people taking shelter under cars.

It was not a street anymore but a world, a time and space of falling ash and near night. He was walking north through rubble and mud and there were people running past holding towels to their faces or jackets over their heads. They had handkerchiefs pressed to their mouths. They had shoes in their hands, a woman with a shoe in each hand, running past him. They ran and fell, some of them, confused and ungainly, with debris coming down around them, and there were people taking shelter under cars.


Someone came out of a diner and tried to hand him a bottle of water. It was a woman wearing a dust mask and a baseball cap and she withdrew the bottle and twisted off the top and then thrust it toward him again. He put down the briefcase to take it

Someone came out of a diner and tried to hand him a bottle of water. It was a woman wearing a dust mask and a baseball cap and she withdrew the bottle and twisted off the top and then thrust it toward him again. He put down the briefcase to take it

He put down the briefcase to take it, barely aware that he wasn’t using his left arm, that he’d had to put down the briefcase before he could take the bottle.

He put down the briefcase to take it, barely aware that he wasn’t using his left arm, that he’d had to put down the briefcase before he could take the bottle.

Link that with the rest of the text. Why is the character almost not aware of what happened to him?

She gave him a bottle of water... WHY does she take it back? Why does she twist the top off?

WHY does he need to put down the briefcase now that the top's off?

WHY is she handing him a bottle of water?

What does the structure HAVE TO express? What is it used for?

Barely = almost not

1) Highlight words you understand OR cross out words you don't understand. 2) Share with your class. 3) Sort all the words out into different lexical fields. Group the words that look similar together. 4) What's your impression?

What do you think happened to him? WRITE WHAT HAPPENS NEXT

WHO are the characters? WHAT are they doing? Try to vizualize, then mime, the woman's actions.WHAT's strange?WHAT QUESTIONS does the text raise?

Aware = Having knowledge or perception of a situation or a fact