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A person who makes bread and pastry as a tade
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A person who makes bread and pastry as a tade



Education or Training

Bakers do not nessessarily need any formal education however most bakery's prefer people who have at least a high school diploma and a bakery or pastry education. Now a days most people choose to attend a technical or culinary school. This is typically on the job training.

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What do bakers do?

They keep all of us happy by creating delicious cakes, donuts and otherr pastry goods! Bakers dont just make cakes and pastry's but also all sorts of breads, pies and otherr specialized baked goods.An important role that bakers need to learn or know is how to be clean and organized. Bakers have to learn to be sae with the tools they use as well as keeping those tools clean and sanitized. It is also important they learn to be prepared before they begin baking to stay organized.


Although bakers may make alot of "dough" it is not the dough or doe we are talking about. If bakerrs got paid with smile that the sweet goods bring to peoples faces then they would be rich beyond measure but unfortunately that doesnt pay the bills. Bakers salary all depends on what they are trying to get out of it. So bakers can make a lot from the foods they make and sell and others just like it simple. The average baker makes between $15 to $18 dollars per hour.Althoough formal educaton might not be needed, having it might put you ahead of others who have learned to do it on their own.

What its like to be a baker.

Being a baker requires early hours, if you want to deliver it fresh that is. Bakers have to be up and baking early in the morning. The reason is to make and bake and have the donuts and pastry's ready for the morning rush who is looking for a breakfast treat.Bakers can be found in every city in the country if not the world. Where ever therre are donuts there is a baker.


II think there are a lot of benefits to being a baker. If you like pleasing people this is the job for you. I dont know any one who doesn't love a donut. Although there is a draw back. You have to be willing to work really hard and sometimes work long hours. Also at first you might not make a whole lot of money but if you stick with it it can be very rewarding.

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Would I....

I mean who wouldn't like to create endless boxes of donuts and cakes? I mean I can already make toast so I am basically on my way.

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