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LESSON 1 - S37


Let's discover "CLIL"!

4. Let's go practice in the gymnasium!

3. Some important guidelines and milestones

2. What is CLIL?

1. Let's introduce ourselves




P.E teacher and holder of a "Certification complémentaire DNL anglais" Jury and instructor Handball specialist

English teacher and coordinator for the F2S In charge of English certifications

Emma PILLARD & SĂ©bastien KAISER

Your 2 English Teachers for this year...

Another common point: we both taught in the public secondary school system (middle school and high school) before we started teaching here at the F2S. That's why we decided to work together this year, so that you can learn more about "CLIL"....

We have quite a few common points as teachers!

Can you guess what the acronym CLIL means? Just a hint... It is related to language AND learning...

But what is "CLIL" ????

Okay, but what exactly does this mean? Let's watch a video to find out. => You can take notes to remember important information! How does CLIL work?


The most important thing to remember about CLIL: - Language is used to learn Content (history, biology, physical education, math, etc). - AND Content is used to teach Language (English, Spanish, Italian, etc).


Get into groups and use a poster to make your own drawing/illustration of what CLIL means for you. On this poster, make sure to include 3 advantages of this approach: - for teachers (language or other subject teachers) - AND for students => Then, you will present your poster to the class!

Can you think of an illustration for this concept?

CIn the French school system, he equivalent of CLIL is: - In the primary school system: EMILE = Enseignement de MatiĂšres par l’IntĂ©gration d’une Langue EtrangĂšre - In the secondary school system: DNL = Discipline Non Linguistique

France and the CLIL approach

In the secondary school system, you can find DNL in: Section Euro/SELO, Section Internationale, projet LCE (Langues et Culture Européennes) au collÚge, les EPI Enseignements Pratiques Interdisciplinaires au collÚge

France and the CLIL approach

In France, "DNL" is developping, but still needs to be popularized. In fact, we're not really fans of the name "DNL" itself, and we'll let you guess why! Also, you should know that France is really an exception in terms of CLIL...

France and the CLIL approach

Il y a plus de pays dans le monde plurilingues que monolingues.​ De nombreux pays et rĂ©gions sont historiquement bilingues.​=> Le monolinguisme reprĂ©sente donc une forme d’exception !​Pourtant, le bilinguisme familial n’a pas toujours Ă©tĂ© bien vu. Jusqu’aux annĂ©es 60 la reprĂ©sentation Ă©tait que le bilinguisme avait des effets nĂ©gatifs sur la pensĂ©e (concurrence L2–L1).

Le monolinguisme : une forme d'exception !

GrĂące Ă  la certification complĂ©mentaire - EPS DNL Langue vivante (anglais, espagnol, allemand, russe, arabe, chinois
)​=> Un examen (exposĂ© 10 min et entretien 20 min) face Ă  un inspecteur LV, un inspecteur EPS + un prof​=> Si plus de 10/20 admis. Bon Niveau (B2+) demandĂ©.​​=> Permet de postuler sur des postes spĂ©cifiques ( SELO, lycĂ©e inter
)​=> Reconnaissance pour monter des projets interdisciplinaires​=> MobilitĂ©s et sĂ©jours internationaux

Pourtant, le CLIL c'est une super corde Ă  ajouter Ă  votre arc!

  • Le SOCLE COMMUN !!!​
  • NĂ©cessite de travailler sur la consigne (prĂ©cision, concision) et la dĂ©monstration.​
  • Favoriser les interactions orales nĂ©cessite une mise en Ɠuvre particuliĂšre: groupes, ateliers, autonomie, entre-aide...​
  • Temps d’exposition Ă  la langue plus important​
  • La pratique physique aide Ă  la comprĂ©hension (et elle en est la preuve) : associer geste et parole aide Ă  apprendre une langue.
  • ​ Situations de communication non artificielles, vraies et vĂ©cues.​
  • La pratique d’APSA permet l'ouverture vers la culture anglo-saxonne




CLIL scenario, example n°1

CLIL scenario, example n°2 Basketball in Orsay

Le but de l'approche CLIL sera de dĂ©velopper les compĂ©tences de vos Ă©lĂšves dans les 4 activitĂ©s langagiĂšres de la L2. Les 4 activitĂ©s langagiĂšres : 🎧 ComprĂ©hension orale = Listening 📖 ComprĂ©hension Ă©crite = Reading 🗣 Expression orale = Speaking => En continu et en interaction ✍ Expression Ă©crite = Writing Tout en apportant du contenu concernant le vocabulaire (vocabulary/lexicon), la grammaire (grammar) et mĂȘme la phonologie (pronunciation/phonology) !

Some important guidelines to keep in mind...

Les niveaux CECRL (Cadre Européen Commun de Référence en Langues)

Les niveaux CECRL (Cadre Européen Commun de Référence en Langues)

Niveau d'anglais visé dans les programmes : - En fin de collÚge : A2/A2+ - En fin de 2nde : B1 - En fin de lycée : B2 pour le tronc commun et C1 pour les élÚves ayant choisi l'une des spécialités anglais : LLCE = Langues, Littératures et Cultures EtrangÚres ou AMC = Anglais Monde Contemporain)

Pour rappel...

Now let's go practice in the gymnasium! You are going to discover some games that will help you take a better look at what the CLIL approach can be like for P.E teachers!

Let's make some teams! Each team will have to make 2 groups. Group A will start with a revision Wooclap // Group B will try the cooperative games. => Then, we'll switch activities!

Revision Wooclap


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