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What does a Paramedic's Emergency Kit contain

Paramedic medications - description

Have you ever encountered a situation where medical professionals needed to administer specific medications or treatments in an emergency? Can you briefly describe that situation and what you observed or experienced?


Take notes. Remember to turn off the music in the background for better quality of the video.

Let's watch a video and find out more about what should a Paramedic be equipped with.




rugged box



controlled substances




stalked by pharmacies

basic life support meds



specific indications

paramedic ambulance

med, medication

kidney stones

postpartum hemorrhage

combative patients

sodium bicarb



give an infusion





wide complex arrhythmias

afib, atrial fibrillation

iteration of our protocols

ACLS (Advanced Cardiac Life Support)

ER, emergency room

severe asthma

in a drip form


stockpile of

a stack of

acidotic patients

endotracheal tube

seizures of eclampsia






narc seeker

muscle relaxants

EMS=emergency medical service

ICU = intensive care unit

d5 = 5% Dextrose Solution

pain management

at our disposal


excited delirium patient

muscle relaxants

musculoskeletal injuries

tagged by pharmacy

RSI=repetitive strain injury

conscious patient

prefilled medications

Department of Defense

go over something

Your phrasal verb for today:

right off the bat

Your idiom for today:

bite the bullet

Your idiom for today:

Let's check what you remember

What are some of the reasons the paramedic gives for carrying a "Simple Med Box" in their ambulance?

How does the paramedic describe the use of ketamine in their service, and in what situations do they use it?

Why does the paramedic mention carrying a significant amount of Narcan (naloxone) in their ambulance?

What is the purpose of carrying propofol in the transfer bag, and when might it be used?

How does the paramedic differentiate between the contents of the "Simple Med Box" and the "Main Medication Box"?

What is the significance of the Department of Defense stockpile of atropine mentioned by the speaker?

How does the paramedic describe the use of magnesium sulfate, and in what medical situations is it applied?

Let's check your vocabulary

The paramedic ambulance is equipped with _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to treat various medical conditions.

Fill in the gaps:

Fill in the gaps:

The medications in the ambulance are primarily used for _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _.

Fill in the gaps:

It's essential for paramedics to know the specific indications and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of each medication.

Fill in the gaps:

Some patients may have an allergic reaction to specific medications due to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ or sensitivities.

Fill in the gaps:

In critical situations, advanced cardiac life support (ACLS) medications are administered to address _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

Fill in the gaps:

For patients with uncontrollable seizures, we administer _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _to control their condition.

Fill in the gaps:

Medications like Levophed can be given as an _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to increase blood pressure.

In your opinion, what qualities and skills do you think are most important for paramedics and emergency medical professionals to have? How do you think they handle the pressure of making quick decisions in critical situations?

Discussion Time

The paramedic described the use of various medications, including opioids and sedatives, in emergency medical situations. What ethical considerations do you think paramedics and healthcare professionals must keep in mind when administering these medications, especially in high-stress situations?

Discussion Time

Thank you

Go over = to examine or look at something in a careful or detailed way: Forensic scientists are going over the victim's flat in a search for clues about the murderer.

Immediately: You can't expect to be accepted in a new town right off the bat.

medycyna, leki ambulans sanitarny konkretne wskazania przeciwwskazania możliwości podstawowe leki podtrzymujące życie prześladowany przez apteki najważniejsza lub podstawowa część czegoś narkotyki mieszanka substancje kontrolowane fiolka przegląd wytrzymałe pudełko odblask

med,medication paramedic ambulance specific indications contraindications capabilities basic life support meds stalked by pharmacies nub=the most important or basic part of something narcotics mixture controlled substances vial overview rugged box glare

The paramedic mentions using magnesium sulfate for torsades, eclampsia, and as a bronchodilator for severe asthma or anaphylaxis.

The paramedic describes using ketamine for excited delirium, combative patients, and as an induction for rapid sequence intubation when necessary.

Propofol is carried for continued sedation, especially for intubated patients during transfers to other medical facilities.


The paramedic mentions carrying a lot of Narcan due to the need for higher doses in cases of carfentanil overdoses to reverse the narcotic overdose


poszukiwacz narkotyków ampułki anafilaksja pobudzenie intubacja torsje napady rzucawki rurka intubacyjna pacjenci z kwasicą stos zapas zwykły w postaci kroplówki ciężka astma ostry dyżur, izba przyjęć

narc seeker ampules anaphylaxis agitation intubation torsades seizures of eclampsia endotracheal tube acidotic patients a stack of stockpile of plain in a drip form severe asthma ER, emergency room

ACLS (Advanced Cardiac Life Support) iteracja naszych protokołów afib, migotanie przedsionków złożone zaburzenia rytmu serca lek rozszerzający oskrzela sedacja preser przedział podać infuzję neurochirurg paraliż wodorowęglan sodu bojowo nastawieni pacjenci krwotok poporodowy kamienie nerkowe

ACLS (Advanced Cardiac Life Support) iteration of our protocols afib, atrial fibrillation wide complex arrhythmias bronchodilator sedation presser compartment give an infusion neurosurgeon paralysis sodium bicarb combative patients postpartum hemorrhage kidney stones

The paramedic mentions that the Simple Med Box contains basic life support medications, which are stocked on each ambulance for quick restocking of frequently used medications.

The Simple Med Box contains basic life support medications, while the Main Medication Box contains advanced cardiac life support (ACLS) medications and other specialized drugs.


to force yourself to do something unpleasant or difficult, or to be brave in a difficult situation: I hate going to the dentist, but I'll just have to bite the bullet. This idiom means to face a difficult or unpleasant situation with courage and determination, which could be relevant in high-pressure medical situations.

Departament Obrony wstępnie wypełnione leki przytomny pacjent RSI=powtarzalny uraz przeciążeniowy oznaczone przez aptekę urazy mięśniowo-szkieletowe środki zwiotczające mięśnie podekscytowany pacjent z delirium głównie do naszej dyspozycji leczenie bólu d5 = 5% roztwór dekstrozy OIOM = oddział intensywnej opieki medycznej EMS = pogotowie ratunkowe: system, połączony z numerem telefonu 911, zapewniający opiekę medyczną w nagłych wypadkach w całych Stanach Zjednoczonych środki zwiotczające mięśnie

Department of Defense prefilled medications conscious patient RSI=repetitive strain injury tagged by pharmacy musculoskeletal injuries muscle relaxants excited delirium patient predominantly at our disposal pain management d5 = 5% Dextrose Solution ICU = intensive care unit EMS=emergency medical service: a system, linked to the 911 phone number, of providing emergency medical care throughout the US muscle relaxants

basic life support meds

The speaker mentions that their hospital has a stockpile of atropine for use in the event of a terrorist attack or nerve agent release.


wide complex arrhythmias
