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Watch a video for a brief walkthrough of our new website

Welcome Back!


"Inspiring Students Today for Their Success Tomorrow"Academics, Athletics, Opportunity


tps Tech team

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day 1 pREP


tps Faculty Back-to-school guide2024-2025

More Important Announcements and Reminders...

Google Appointment Schedule (Similar to Calendly but FREE!)

Loom: Our Screen & Video Recorder


Incident IQ

Removal of Office 2010

Google to Google Migration


"Inspiring Students Today for Their Success Tomorrow"Academics, Athletics, Opportunity


tps Tech team

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day 1 pREP


tps Faculty Back-to-school guide2023-2024

+ Info

Configuring Mistar Gradebook & Integration with schoology

+ Info

Creating and Embedding a Bitmoji Classroom Banner into your Schoology Course page

+ Info

+ Info

printing to our Networked copiers Printing K-2 Classlink Quickcards

Parentsquare & studentsquare Dir-S Security app Google two Step verification


"Inspiring Students Today for Their Success Tomorrow"Academics, Athletics, Opportunity


tps Tech team

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day 1 pREP


tps Faculty Back-to-school guide2023-2024

Book the lab now

Welcome to the Teaching & Learning Lab!

Teaching & learning lab

During the school year, I will be offering various professional development sessions in the Teaching & Learning Lab. You are also welcome to book the lab for your next meeting. This lab is for use by teachers only (not students).

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"Inspiring Students Today for Their Success Tomorrow"Academics, Athletics, Opportunity


tps Tech team

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day 1 pREP


tps Faculty Back-to-school guide2023-2024

You will find access to everything you need on the staff portal page on our new website! Click the info button below to learn how to join our Tech Dept Schoology Courses and subscribe to our YouTube Channel.

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"Inspiring Students Today for Their Success Tomorrow"Academics, Athletics, Opportunity


tps Tech team

need support?


day 1 pREP


tps Faculty Back-to-school guide2023-2024


"Inspiring Students Today for Their Success Tomorrow"Academics, Athletics, Opportunity


tps Tech team

need support?


day 1 pREP


tps Faculty Back-to-school guide2023-2024


"Inspiring Students Today for Their Success Tomorrow"Academics, Athletics, Opportunity


tps Tech team

need support?


day 1 pREP


tps Faculty Back-to-school guide2023-2024


The "new" Google Appointment Schedule is free and quite easy to use. Here is a test booking page I did for myself after I created a 30-minute appointment schedule and a 60-minute appointment schedule: https://calendar.app.google/6odfK9c7s8VbgViv5 Written Instructions:


3. Bookmark this direct link:

2. Staff portal page on new website:

3 ways to find Incident IQ 1. Incident IQ button on Classlink Launchpad:



Our New Tech Support Ticket System: Incident IQ

Given the size of our technology department and our commitment to promptly aid both staff and students, we are implementing a change in our approach. Pat and Jason will no longer be available for unscheduled visits in their office, and they will not be accessible via email or phone calls. We kindly request that you utilize Incident IQ for the purpose of submitting service tickets. This streamlined system will enable us to systematically monitor all support inquiries across the district, arranging them in order of submission time and issue urgency.Sign in with Google SSO to request assistance.

Google to Google Migration - Students are now in the same Google tenant as teachers! Watch this video to find out what this means for you and your students! ONE VERY IMPORTANT REMINDER: Do not share a file with "Trenton Public Schools". That means ALL students and staff will be able to access your file! Instead use the "Restricted Setting". Remember, student accounts end in @student.trentonschools.com and staff accounts end in simply @trentonschools.com

Print K-2 Classlink Quickcards

Using your employee badge to fax (only select staff)

To save money, TPS is getting rid of virtually all desktop printers. New Toshiba copiers with Papercut will be installed.

Using your employee badge to print/copy/scan


opening/converting office files

Office 2010 has been removed from all TPS computers. The replacement for Office 2010 (Office 365) is NOT free and comes in at a cost of 30K/year to the district so we won't be able to purchase it. Please note, our district is not alone in this, MANY school districts have had no choice but to remove MS Office and only use Google Workspace due to cost. We could not keep Office 2010 because it posed a very serious security risk. All TPS staff should be using Google Workspace Apps (Docs, Sheets, Slides, etc…) when sharing with TPS students and colleagues. When sharing files with parents or those outside of TPS, convert your files to PDF. Click on the button below to learn about your options for dealing with the Office files you have currently:

The purpose of The Teaching and Learning Lab (TLL) is to provide a space that supports and develops innovative and effective approaches to teaching and learning at Trenton Public Schools. I will periodically send out invitations to participate in professional development sessions during the school day (based on dates available for substitute coverage of your classrooms) as well as before and after school. These workshops/trainings may be facilitated by me or an outside consultant but they can also be facilitated by you! If you would like to offer a pd session in this space, please contact me! Currently it seats a max of 22 people, including the facilitator. If your group is slightly larger, we could probably accomodate up to 34 by bringing in more seating from the library. I think this space will be great for grade level teams, departments, and other small groups to gather and learn with and from eachother. If you have an idea for a session you would like to see offered, please let me know! You can also use my Calendly link to book a 1:1 or small group session in the T&L Lab with 48 hours advanced notice so I can prepare for your session. calendly.com/tpstech


1. Please join the Technology Department Schoology Course - it's your one-stop shop for instructional technology support! Join with this access code: BD2W-9PXM-P98GBLog in to Schoology. Select Courses in the top menu. Click My Courses. From the My Courses page, click Join Course on the right side of the page. Enter your access code (XXXX-XXXX-XXXXX). Click Join. 2. Please also subscribe to our Edtech @ TPS YouTube Channel.

Meet goguardian + gaggle

Gaggle has been installed and will help monitor all student Chromebook activity and keep kids (and in turn, the rest of the school) safe. With 24/7 human monitoring, if a serious threat to a student is caught, Gaggle will make a call to our district's designated emergency contacts, even if it is after hours or on the weekend.

Please be aware that we are no longer licensed to use Screencastify. Follow these two steps in order to get your fully featured educator version of Loom: 1. Sign-up and install the free version of Loom using your Trenton email address: https://www.loom.com/signup 2. "Get Verified" that you are an educator by filling out this Google Form they created: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSftw4svvBQzS4a2-VeQ0vdCLHnEFtJaHgnGKgbEQUzJtD7v3A/viewform

district directory

staff portal page

district calendars

android Device passcode

knowbe4: what to expect

TPS Email groups

apple Device passcode

Create a Google Contact Group

Schoology parent access codes

student network information

There's More....

1. As long as our network is up and running, Knowbe4 is protecting us and our school's data by sending us periodic and random phishing tests and trainings. If you fail a phishing test, you will automatically be assigned further training. In addition, 3-4 times/year, ALL TPS STAFF will be enrolled in Knowbe4 training. 2. Student and staff email groups have been created: Remember, you can also create your own Google Contact Groups to use in Google Mail and Drive! When you open this tutorial link, you may want to click on the "Guide Me" button at the top right of the page to make the steps interactive. 3. Reminder that Schoology Parent Access Codes and Student Network Information (Usernames/Passwords) can be found in MISTAR. Coming soon: Student bus schedules and routes will be in MISTAR. 4. Please remember to put a passcode lock on your personal phone so that nobody other than you has access to the Dir-S security app. 5. When you walk away from your computer, press the Windows Key + the "L" key. This will lock your computer screen. Press those two keys again to unlock.6. Be sure to checkout the new staff portal page on the new website as well as the all-new district and school customizable calendars. You can download the ical feeds into your mobile device. Also new is the searchable online staff directory.

Google 2-Step Verification: Mandatory on all TPS Google accounts. Your process may vary slightly from what is shown in this video depending on the make/model of your personal device and the apps installed on your device.
For answers to more ParentSquare questions, go to the Tech Dept Schoology page.
Don't forget to download the Dir-S security app on your phone. For more info on this, see your building principal.
StudentSquare Quick Start Guide
ParentSquare Quick Start Guide
How do I rename my classes in ParentSquare so they make more sense AND how to I add a co-teacher or para or room parent? Find answers to these questions and more here:

