<Hover your mouse over the heart
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league of legonds
hover your mouse over the hearts
League of legends is a video game developed and published by Riot games.
<click the pc and hover your mouse <over the power button
click on Lux with your mouse
League of legends is a team multiplayer game where two teams fight against each other to try and destroy one of the other teams bases.
Hover your mouse over the cloud>
Hover your mouse over Poro
<hover your mouse over the diamond
This is a League of legends champions chart that has some of the champions on it. You pick one of these champions to play as and each of them has specific powers,stregnths,and weaknesses.
Hover your mouse over the light
This is a picture of one of the most famous champions in the game. Her name is Luxanna Lux for short. her powers are light magic and some telklekinesis she can make things levatate including herself just by using her mind.
This is Yone another famous champion in League of Legends. He yields two blades. Using every second attack,to deal more magical damage. His chances of critical striking are doubled.