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Visual perceptual and motor deficit

Bachelor degree in English





The way a person's eyes move plays an integral role in how well they attain and comprenhed sensory data.

It affects the understanding of infformation that a person sees or the ability to copy or draw

Visual perceptual and motor deficit


Inability to accurately copy down information.

Dificulty navigating school grounds or other larger areas


Visual memory and pattern recognition

Visual field and oculomotor control

Visual cognitive

Visual scanning and attention

Planificar la estructura detus contenidos.

Darle peso visual a los puntos clave y más principales.

Definir mensajes secundarios con interactividad.

Establecer un flujo a travésdel contenido.

How to provide support to them?

El contenido

  • Pla

Visual Processing difficulties

Visual discrimination issues

Visual figure-ground discrimination issues

Visual sequencing issues

Visual- motor processing issues

Long or short-term visual memory issues

Visual-spatial issues

Visual Processing difficulties

Visual closure issues

Letter and symbol reversal issues

1- Avoid grading handwritig

2- Provide alternative for written assignments

3- Suggest use of pencil grips

4- Allow use of computer

5- Restrict copying tasks

6- Use large print books

7- Play visual and memory based games


Visual perceptual skills allow your brain to understand what you see. Visual motor skills allow you to cognitively and visually process figures, sequences, shapes, and surrounding three-dimensional objects.

what is the different between visual perception and visual motor deficit?

Experiment with different paper styles

Allow use of a computer/word processor

How to help children?

Use of large print book

Employ books on tape

Play visual and memory based games

Suggest use of pencil grips

what are the componets of visual Perceptual skills and how do they impact learning?

The seven components of visual perception are: visual discrimination, visual memory, spatial relationships, form constancy, sequential memory, visual figure-ground, and visual closure. Each area is explained below.Additionally, visual perception examples are given for each area, showing how the components are part of learning.

thanks for you attention


…Aunque luego lo expliques oralmente


de la información visual se asimila mejor.


Puedes plasmar cifras de esta forma.


de la información visual se asimila mejor.


…Aunque luego lo expliques oralmente


de nuestro cerebro está involucrado en el procesamiento de estímulos visuales.


Y los datos quedarán grabados en su cerebro


Puedes plasmar cifras de esta forma.


Así mantendrás la atención de tu clase.