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Speak english

7. Classroom English
6. Instructions
5. Draw my pencil case
4. My pencil case
3. School things
2. In the classroom
1. Pardon my French


Pardon my French
Tu connais déjà plein de mots en anglais. Peux-tu en nommer certains?
In the classroom, I can see...
In the classroom
What can you see in the classroom?
a table
a window
a door
a desk
a chair
a board
a computer
In the classroom
In the classroom - Lesson
What can you see in the classroom?
School things
Name these objects.


School things
Name the object.
a pencil sharpener
a glue stick
a school bag
an eraser
a copybook
a pencil case
a highlighter
a ruler
a pencil
a pen
School things
Pourquoi parfois il y "a", d'autres fois "an" ou "Ø" ?
Quels sont les petits mots devant les noms ?
a pencil sharpener
a glue stick
a school bag
an eraser
a copybook
a pencil case
a highlighter
a ruler
a pencil
a pen
School things
En anglais, il n'y a pas de féminin ni de masculin.
  • "Ø" : le mot qui suit est au pluriel et se termine par un -s.
Pour dire "des" en anglais, on utilise :
  • "a" lorsque le mot qui suit est au singulier et commence par une consonne
  • "an" lorsque le mot qui suit est au singulier et commence par une voyelle (a, e, i, o, u)
Pour dire "un" ou "une" en anglais, on utilise :
Les articles indéfinis
School things
School things
  1. Distribue toutes les cartes entre les jouers.
  2. Lis la question sur la première carte : "I have the first card. Who has a pencil case?" Pose la carte sur la table.
  3. Lis la réponse correspondante et lis la prochaine question. Pose la carte sur la table.
  4. Continue le jeu.
  5. Finis le jeu avec la dernière carte : "I have a highlighter. I have the last card."
  6. La première personne à avoir posé toutes ses cartes sur la table a gagné.
Let's play a game : I have, who has?
School things
In my pencil case
  • "There is" lorsque le nom qui suit est au singulier.
  • "There are" lorsque le nom qui suit est au pluriel et donc se termine par un -s.
There is / there are
My pencil case
Il y a deux (2) façons de dire "il y a" en anglais :
My pencil case
My pencil case
  1. In my pencil case,
  2. In my pencil case,
  3. In my pencil case,
  4. In my pencil case,
  5. In my pencil case,
  1. In my pencil case,
  2. In my pencil case,
  3. In my pencil case,
  4. In my pencil case,
  5. In my pencil case,
Describe your pencil case.
My pencil case
  1. In my pencil case, there is / are ...
  2. In my pencil case, there is / are ...
  3. In my pencil case, there is / are ...
  4. In my pencil case, there is / are ...
  5. In my pencil case, there is / are ...
Pupil 2 : Draw it.
Pupil 1 : Describe the pencil case.
Draw my pencil case
Pupil 2 : Draw it.
Pupil 1 : Describe the pencil case.
Draw my pencil case
Pupil 2 : Draw it.
Pupil 1 : Describe the pencil case.
Draw my pencil case
Pupil 2 : Draw it.
Pupil 1 : Describe the pencil case.
Draw my pencil case
Simon says take ... Simon says show ...
Simon says ...
What do you already know?
Everything you need to communicate in English class.
Classroom English
Be quiet
Take your notebook
Sit downStand up
Take your diary
Raise your hand
Understanding your teacher
Classroom English
... turn on/off the lights, please?
... open/close the window, please?
... go to the bin, please?
... go to the toilet, please?
... close the blinds, please?
... go to the nurse please?
Asking for permission
Classroom English
Asking for help
... repeat, please?
... spell it, please?
... speak up, please?
Classroom English
I'm late
I don't have my notebook
I didn't do my homework
Saying sorry...
Classroom English
I don't know
I don't understand
What's the English for?
Classroom English

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