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Phrase Strings users

Every user in Phrase has a user role that defines access rights.

In Phrase Strings, although each user profile has a default role, the role can be changed on the project level. It means that you can be assigned translator role in one project but be a project manager in the other.

Users in Phrase Strings are created and managed by project managers or administrators.

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Phrase Strings developer user's role

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Phrase Strings users

Every user in Phrase has a user role that defines access rights. In Phrase Strings, although each user profile has a default role, the role can be changed on the project level. It means that you can be assigned translator role in one project but be a project manager in the other. Users in Phrase Strings are created and managed by project managers or administrators.

Who is a developer user?

A developer user is one whose main task is to provide source strings with context for translation and export translated content in order to add it into their code. A user with this role has limited access, with permission to perform linguistic tasks in all languages in assigned projects and to manage language settings. A developer:

  • Sees only assigned projects.
  • Can edit translations for all languages in assigned projects.
  • Can manage language settings in assigned projects.

A project manager will send you an invitation to join Phrase Strings. The invitation will contain information about assigned role, teams, spaces, projects and languages. By clicking Accept invitation you will be directed to https://app.phrase.com where you can create your user account and set the password.

How do I access Phrase Strings?

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